A Pellucid Picture of Post Cycle Therapy - PCT

People who take steroids must take PCT. By avoiding weaning, some muscle heads impair performance and lose any gains made during the cycle. Outside of them, in some cases, they become more fragile and smaller than before. She also suffers from uncomfortable gynecomastia, which can last a lifetime.

The body drops a lot of water. This is a direct result of how each cycle closes, the body's cortisol levels increase and so estrogen levels increase. The heavyweight, which has increased during the cycle, will dissolve almost or completely without getting used to the mixes, preparation, diet, and cardio. Prolonged dermatitis, distress, and gynecomastia can also occur without mediation.

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Regarding the PCT, the connection used and the range used are not taken into account in each case. In terms of size and accessibility, some changes are made. However, whenever SERMs and AIs are used.


The PCT contains for the most part 1-2 aromatase inhibitors (AI) and a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). Their capabilities and levels differ according to individual requirements and require additional exploration according to need and accessibility.


It has been recognized by many of the coaches that long courses during the PCT can not provide a path to progress. The force should be constant regardless of how the heap would be dropped or the weight used for the activities. If the likelihood of using less weight is low, you should plan for less rest between sets in such circumstances, to resolve any type of unhappiness in strength. Unexpected overtraining becomes a major problem.

Cardiovascular work

To increase the degree of adipose tissue in the body to an extraordinary extent, the cardiovascular strength of the athletes must unroll reliably.


It is important to improve calories from 600 to 1000 per day. This can lead to an increase in body fat. However, to support the newly trapped muscle, it is particularly necessary. People regularly ignore the change in the eating routine and this results in a loss of a lot of muscle without much use.

In any case, it is best to do blood tests after a cycle. A collection of liver enzymes, hemoglobin levels, testosterone levels, and a few other values ​​must be sought to maintain well-being while "groping" with the body's characteristic levels.
