Build Muscle, Build Strength or Both?

Each muscle head is unique in terms of bodybuilding and training. Is your goal to develop your muscles, strengthen yourself, gain vitality, endurance or general well-being? Although you need a mix of these long-term goals, in the short term, you will need to adjust your exercises to reach the goal that is usually important to you at that time.

If you visit the training center just because many aspiring competitors do not know the differences in style preparation and the results they offer. Many compare quality to size until they understand that the biggest weightlifters are not as strong as their smaller competitors.

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It is all the more regrettable that some new visitors to a fitness center are equipped with a training magazine exercise because some athletes of ingenious strength say that they train in this way. Why do these exercises not produce similar results for the amateur? First, most experienced athletes use steroids and other illegal means to train them stronger and to recover much faster between exercises.

Second, they just invented their mass before turning into a genius. Your current exercises aim to maintain mass and refine your body without containing large amounts of lean mass. Note that with huge shows like the Olympia and the Arnold Classic, most of the contestants are there every year with only two or three pounds of difference, regardless of medication, heavy use of enhancements, etc.

If you have spent yourself a lot of dollars a year for legitimate improvements, are you happy if you only gain 2 or 3 pounds a year? Sure, 20 - in a while, you would have gained 20-30 pounds of muscle, but would you say you can hold on for so long? OK, do you stay motivated and do you still offer 110% for each exercise in 5 or a long time? The main motivation with which participants stop exercising is the lack of results in a practical way - the more it takes to get results the most competitors need less inspiration to keep lifting.

As a result, your first step should characterize your quick goals ... What is becoming more and more important to YOU ​​today? Build muscle? More grounded? Do you increase endurance and vitality? Regardless of what you focus on, you should be getting results in about a month and a half and include noticeable progress in the first 12 weeks. Otherwise, you may not be training properly and not eating reliably or following an inappropriate preparation style.

For higher reps, use moderate loads - 12 to 15 reps for each set, 3-4 sets for each activity with a break of 30 seconds or less between sets. Raise and lower the loads at a moderate or moderate pace to prolong the stress time (TUT) and increase the effectiveness of your preparation. Increase the weight during your next exercise if you cannot finish each repetition of the last series in a legitimate structure.

To improve quality, stress time is less important than the amount of weight you lift. While ideally, 1-rep max lifts (1RM) are ideal for build quality, the human body tends to do a lot of damage to prepare in this way, especially given the innate helpless joints and muscle inclusion. To be safer, prepare for sets of 3 to 6 repetitions just at this point after doing the appropriate warm-up sets.

In both cases, the use of an appropriate structure and a weight lifting system is of paramount importance - the use of the wrong structure to lift heavy loads is a disaster that will have to wait a long time. term and possibly immutable damage. And keep in mind that, overall, we prefer to recover from everything, whether you recover inevitably or have lost weeks, months, or even long periods of recovery and results.

In case you are in control of the costs, it is best to hire a guaranteed fitness instructor, that you have only developed fertile skills during the first 3 months and that you know what you are doing each time. put a load in the practice center. In any case, pay attention to what the fitness coaches of your leisure center expect from their clients, even if the training routine may not correspond directly to your objectives. Option of observing the appropriate structure for each activity.

If you are likely to develop muscle AND have a more solid foundation, use periodization. At this point, focus on a different style for a comparative period of four and a half months and continue to swap the two while you prepare. In this way, you can progress towards both goals while keeping your body in a constantly developing metabolic state.

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