Planning for Instruction

 Standard #7 Planning for Instruction – The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

INTASC #7 Interpretation - Planning flexible lessons that support all of your students in there learning goals. It is important to keep in mind content areas, curriculum, cross- disciplinary, skills, and pedagogy while planning your lessons. It is also important to keep in mind your learners community context and incorporate that. 

Artifacts - This is an example of a mini lesson I taught over stage derections. There were all levels of Bloom's Taxonomy questioning placed throughout the lesson. In the second lesson plan students read a script and anylasis the characters from the story. This is a cross disipline with the English TEKS. The lesson e-line with the reading comprehension and inferences displayed in TEK English 2(5).

Mini-Lesson and Reflection.docx
Character Analysis Lesson Plan.docx