Philosophy of Education

”Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status." - Ken Robinon

- I believe it is my duty to supply future generations with the tools to create within the standard education system.


I teach because I want to guide students in their creativity to become the artist that is already inside of them. I have always dreamed of becoming a teacher and have pursued it my entire life. I love to see the transformation of students as they grow into artists.


I teach students how to use theatre and creativity in life in and beyond theatre. A majority of my students will never go into professional theatre. However if I can teach them how to speak in public, have a good work ethic, enjoy your ensemble/team and how to work for something larger than yourself.


I teach by including all students’ interests and offering choices and room for creativity and growth. From beginning to advanced theatre classes, students can make choices to create their own types of performance and live theatre. This also allows me to differentiate within my lessons and assignments to fit all different students and artists.