
[Hosted on Koaratos 21, 5119 (7/21/19) by Ysharra Nagorn]

Ysharra warmly praises, "Thank you, everyone, for attending our lectures over the course of the week-end. We have enjoyed being your hosts, and we hope you have enjoyed the topics, the artwork, and our beloved home away from home, the Alabaster Spire."

Ysharra says, "There is a theory in social development that we are seeing played out across the continent- civilizations that reach a point where they have large, densely-populated urban centers which rely on the laborers to support their markets and populations, especially agriculture. And in order to support something of that size, agricultural labor is harsh and oppressive. And for centuries, it has been principally done by those in some manner of serfdom or slavery, explicit or implicit."

Ysharra suggests, "People who have been the target for other forms of institutional oppression tend to be overrepresented in labor serfdom, as well. Half-elves and half-Kral in the Empire, humans around the Nations and so on. On top of that, these civilizations have supplanted smaller settlements and caused demographic shifts. For example, Bourth is now home to a majority of humans, instead of Sylvans and elves, so you have the same space of land supporting a people who breed much faster and more often than its former inhabitants."

Ysharra says, "Humans not only need more land for crops, their shorter lifespans and larger birth rates mean they need crops and land for animal husbandry, as well. The deforestation and water reclamation issues alone present a clear and present danger to a number of ecosystems."

Ysharra adds, "The increase in population and farmland in Wehnimer's Landing, for example, has directly led to a raising of the water temperature in the Locksmehr, which encourages fungal growth. This in turn has resulted in infection and mass death of amphibians, the primary predator species for mosquitoes. I don't have to tell you what will happen from that."

Ysharra adds, "But in case I do, I'll spell it out. It means plague."

Ysharra says, "Knowing now that we have both an inherent risk to our moral identity in slave labor, and a much broader and potentially catastrophic danger in our environmental policies, I offer a possible solution that may on its face look a little like this fellow here. Unsavory."

Ysharra takes a few steps toward an animated reiver.

Ysharra turns to face an animated reiver.

(Ysharra walks over to Melikor's animate, meeting its miasmal stare. She stops directly in front of it, and lowers her hands toward the ground, concentrating. A few moments later, vines of green and brown burst forth from the soil, reaching toward the animate.)

The voice of Cruxophim fondly purrs, "Mmmm, plague."

Speaking to an animated reiver, Ysharra soothes, "Shhh."

Ysharra observes, "Not very pretty, is it? And just think. There are thousands just like it, all around us. Reivers. Krolvin. Bandits, kobolds, orcs, shelfae- creatures and people who oppose us, attack us, who we cut down for safety's sake without even thinking about it. And all of them within a few leagues of the Landing, Solhaven, Ta'Illistim- everywhere that's anywhere."

Ysharra solemnly acknowledges, "When most of us look at an act of necromancy, we often think about our distant history, Despana's horde, or something far more recent, those who come back and haunt us in the Graveyard, Shadow Valley and so on. It's frightening, makes us uneasy. But so, I would hope, does slavery and species eradication."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "I realize I may have a slightly skewed audience in you, blood bug."

(Ysharra's vines slither over the animate's legs, curling up into its frame. As they move, the earth caught in their grip begins to mold into the creature's flesh, filling out the spots riddled with decay. Here and there you can see a centipede or a worm wriggling through the soil-infused muscle.)

The reiver winks at Ysharra.

Ysharra wryly asserts, "Perhaps it's akin to how we look at those writhing insects and nightcrawlers. When we see a bug, almost all of us experience some level of revulsion, even toward the species such as these who are greatly beneficial for farming."

Speaking to Thrassus, Ysharra asks, "Or a craving, hm?"

Thrassus says, "Not yet, no."

(Ysharra crosses her hands, reaching again toward the writhing vines, and deep green leaves sprout and unfold across the creature's surface, giving the skin a verdant, waxy covering that gleams under the early evening sun. Here and there a few bright purple musk thistles shoot out alongside, turning the animate into a standing garden.)

Speaking to an animated reiver, Ysharra says, "There's a pretty thing, you poor wretch."

Speaking to Ysharra, Melikor says, "He seems to be taking it well, at least."

Ysharra admits, "This isn't anything more than window dressing, but if research gave us the ability to turn this animate into something that could push a plow, sow a field- after all, the wood and the earth would make him more resilient to rot and the elements."

Ysharra adds, "And who knows, the more we learn, perhaps we could use them for other danger-wrought labor, like mining, or bleach fields, millwork, textile operations..." She pauses a moment, furrowing her brow, and a final line of beautiful, bell-like blossoms open on the animate's head, crowning it in flora. "The possibilities could mean the end of brutish lives of backbreaking labor for our fellows and their children."

Cruxophim quietly mutters, "The undead, takin' our jerbs!"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Eiliriel asks "Do you work, dear?"

Cerridween laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Speaking carefully to Eiliriel, Cruxophim answers, "All the time."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "Animated corpses, Cruxophim, not undead. There's a distinction I'm trying to make."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Melikor says, "You're irreplacable, sir."

Ysharra muses, "Perhaps this act of necromancy, instead of revulsion, could become like our feeling when we see a butterfly or dragonfly spiraling about in the summer's breeze, lighting down on a flower like this animate's crown. A feeling of freedom, of hope...a poetry of possibility that so few of us know."

Speaking thoughtfully to Ysharra, Cruxophim concedes, "Oh."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ryndith says, "As distasteful as I find the practice, I do not quite consider animates undead."

(Ysharra turns toward the audience, spreading her hands, releasing the controlling magic on her vines, which quickly abandon the animate and fall to the ground, trailing about the grass for a few moments before vanishing.)

Ryndith says, "The Reiver's soul isn't trapped in that body, as I understand it."

Melikor nods at Ryndith.

Ysharra speculates, "A workforce that does not eat, does not feel pain, or exertion. One that will not be composed of children as young as age five, working from dawn until well past dark. All that has to be done is the research, meaning the Sorcerers' and Rangers' Guild would need the resources and permissions to experiment."

Speaking to Ryndith, Melikor says, "This is true. It is not undead. Just a lifeless corpse."

Speaking to Ryndith, Melikor says, "Under my full control."

Melikor looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Ysharra reminds, "The Faendryl have already advanced the magic of necromancy far beyond what it once was, as you could see, that animate was totally under Melikor's control, and no risk to anyone. If for any reason his concentration would have faltered, the magic would have been withdrawn, turning the corpse into nothing more than ash. And you know, any gardner will tell you, bone ash is not a bad thing for growing roses and tomatoes."

Cruxophim waggles his fingers mystically at the reiver. The reiver isn't too impressed, really.

Speaking to Melikor, Ryndith says, "Though perhaps a bit disrespectful to the soul who once lived in that body."

Melikor smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.

Speaking to Melikor, Ysharra says, "Let it go, now, love. His visit is at an end."

Melikor waves a hand at the reiver, shooing it off.

The reiver falls to the ground motionless.

An animated reiver falls to the ground in a heap.

Ravenous tendrils of shadow burst forth from Cruxophim's body, streaking toward the reiver to consume it in a gory feast of toothy shadow maws and barbed tentacles!

Ysharra understandingly says, "I know that it's still a daunting association for many of you. But isn't the potential worth exploring? Think of all the opportunity and improvement we could give to our world's most oppressed and miserable. Make those pretty speeches about tolerance and peace mean something. Give them hope, give them the chance to know something besides toil."

Cruxophim belches.

Melikor grins at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim glances at Melikor and makes a little purring sound.

Ryndith blinks at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim takes a bite of his black apple.

As Cruxophim consumes his apple, an expression of delighted euphoria settles across his features. He makes a mess of his meal, splattering thick blood all over his face.

Ysharra concludes, "Thank you again, for your own act of tolerance in listening to what I had to offer, and for attending my lecture and those of the other fine members and guests of the Faendryl Enclave. I hope at the very least, if I have not convinced you, I have given you something to consider. Please, be well, and go in good health."

Ysharra says, "Did anyone have any questions for me? Please, keep in mind that I don't actually know how to make a reanimated farm worker, yet. Just know my way around growing vines, even across a very odd sort of trellis."

Speaking pleasantly to Ysharra, Cruxophim praises, "Much more interesting than I expected. Not that I expected it to be uninteresting."

Ysharra winks at Cruxophim.

Juspera says, "Well, it was interesting."

Speaking to Ysharra, Leifa says, "So much food for thought."

Juspera says, "But it seems gross."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "Thank you. I knew you'd be a tough nut."

Shinann says, "The reivers have helped us fight our enemies. I would consider that slavery, using them. However, some of the others you mentioned might work."

Ysharra says, "One other thing."

Ysharra says, "Most places that have a thriving middle class experience a drop in their birth rates, too."

Speaking confidently to Ysharra, Katze admits, "I was quite pleased with your presentation. The Eye is satisfied."

Ysharra says, "Like the Elven Nations, for example."

Ysharra says, "Or even Tamzyrr."

Speaking confidently to Cruxophim, Katze insists, "Find me later we need a discussion."

Speaking to Juspera, Ysharra says, "If you think it's gross, just picture most of food production."

Speaking to Ysharra, Ryndith says, "If the elves birthed as often as humans there'd be nowhere to put them all."

Speaking to Juspera, Ysharra says, "Much of what you eat is grown in mulch, after all. And manure."

Speaking to Ryndith, Leifa says, "Fortunately we have a bit more self control than the lesser races."

Cruxophim casually opines, "Manure is far more digusting."

Juspera says, "Oh, how do you know? I get my food from the kitchen at Aspis. It's perfectly clean there."

Cerridween concernedly asks, "So an animate is only capable as long as its master is able to concentrate? Seems a dire limitation. We'd be exchanging those who are suited to performing labor intensive jobs for those who are trained in necromancy and able to keep focus on an animate that is doing the job. Feels merely like a transfer of workforce with the added cost of magical energy? Or do you hope to balance the equation differently?"

Ysharra says, "And there are certainly some jobs that the animates would be unable to do."

Ysharra says, "So I still think there would be farm work for those who still stay employed in the industry."

Ysharra says, " just wouldn't be as harsh."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ryndith asks, "Those necromancers need to eat just as much as a laborer would, no?"

Juspera asks, "Yeah, how many animates can one necromancer control?"

Ryndith asks, "So what would this solve, exactly?"

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "My hope is that my magic- a ranger's magic, that is- could be combined with necromancy."

Cerridween takes a moment to observe Ysharra.

Speaking to Ysharra, Leifa says, "But I agree with your theory that continuing our education is more useful than toiling away and wasting our natural born talents."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "And the bark, soil, greenery, could create a stronger animate."

Speaking thoughtfully to Cerridween, Cruxophim speculates, "Controlling an animate is far less taxing and dangeous than some forms of physical labor, I presume."

Leifa agrees with Ysharra.

Melikor says, "With a bit of practice, we could keep many of them working like this, I'm sure."

Cruxophim amicably comments, "I, for one, would much rather putter about with an animate than toil in the hot sun."

Ysharra says, "I don't wish to sound tedious, but in most of the human arable land, there are children right now eating a bit of bread as their only meal, between the threshing and weeding."

Leifa shakes her head, clucking her tongue.

Cruxophim hangs his head and glances at Ysharra with sad eyes.

Juspera asks, "Also, I have a concern that necromancers aren't going to want to hang out around agricultural fields all day. Usually they just want to kill things and study. Right?"

Juspera scratches her nose.

Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Ysharra urges, "Think of the children."

Speaking disapprovingly to Ysharra, Cruxophim remarks, "That will not do. We must fatten them up."

Cerridween says, "Ah, so the goal is to infuse an animate to improve it and mitigate the riskier tasks by relegating them to the animates instead of the workers? An interesting approach."

Ysharra tickles Cruxophim into laughing.

Cruxophim tosses a knowing glance toward Ysharra, taps his nose, and then points at her.

Leifa appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "Yes, absolutely."

Speaking to Juspera, Ryndith says, "I'm not entirely certain a necromancer could study WITHOUT killing things, being the nature of their studies."

Speaking to Ysharra, Alisette says, "I agree that this is a discoverable alternative. I was once one of those children."

Speaking relievedly to Cruxophim, Leifa says, "So glad you said it...."

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement from Ryndith.

Leifa wrinkles her nose.

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "Those children can go to school, or learn a trade. Live a better life than their parents."

Melikor says, "Well, we would have to kill them first, obviously..."

Speaking to Shinann, Ysharra says, "I didn't mean to pick on the reivers, necessarily."

Speaking to Shinann, Ysharra says, "But it just happened to be the one to attack Melikor while he was looking for a ne'er do well."

Ysharra winks at Shinann.

Melikor says, "Yes, it attacked me."

Cerridween asks, "It would not reduce the labor force, as you would still employ the necromancer, but you hope the yield improves through utilitizing methods that would otherwise be risky to a laborer's health?"

Melikor folds his arms over his chest.

Melikor sets his mouth in a thin line of disapproval.

Shinann says, "I just wanted to point that out. Lots do not know. Well, you have to go into their village. Just like we attack others that invade us."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "Yes, absolutely. The most dangerous things and the ones that qualify as..."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "Take, for example, tobacco."

Speaking to Ysharra, Leifa says, "They are certainly an antiquated society that could use our influence, even if it's to sharpen their tools for our benefit."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "It grows in very specific conditions that ruin the farmland for anything else, barring extensive reconditioning."

Speaking to Cerridween, Melikor says, "We would hope to create many of these workers per necromancer. Not that we would watch over each one individually."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "Pollutes water, and drying it and preparing it for shipment leave the workers covered in a caustic substance that will burn and blind them."

Speaking to Melikor, Cerridween says, "That makes a bit more sense in the equation."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "And it's not food, it's not medicine..."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "It's an addictive, popular luxury."

Ysharra says, "I appreciate all the discussion, I am flattered to have inspired it."

Ysharra asks, "Did anyone else have a question, or did I miss anyone?"

Alisette asks, "Where will the next presentation take place this eve?"

Ysharra says, "I never fail to keep talking and miss things, that's for sure."

Cerridween asks, "Do you feel that the rangerly magic might infuse said bodies with enough strength that a suitable animate could be derived from a source of natural death or must a specimen be... aquired.. at peak health?"

Juspera asks, "Don't you think sorcerers will get bored with the work?"

Juspera says, "High turnover."

Leifa begrudgingly says, "It IS a luxury, but I do like a smoke...."

Ysharra says, "Ah, yes, Lylia's discussion about the Fashion of New Ta'Faendryl, at eight o'clock."

Eiliriel says, "I am not sure Lylia has told us, but I would suspect the library."

Speaking to Juspera, Melikor says, "Well, as long as I don't have to watch them work."

Speaking to Juspera, Thrassus says, "Some would, some would not."

Ysharra says, "Or here, she likes the garden as well."

Speaking to Juspera, Melikor says, "Creating them is interesting enough."

Cerridween softly says, "Sorry for so many questions, I am a bit curious and Lumnis encourages understanding through studying and questioning."

Speaking to Juspera, Ysharra says, "You have a good question, there. It is probably going to be very routine, but then again, it would offer a lot of opportunity for further field research on a new area of necromancy."

Speaking affably to Cerridween, Cruxophim reasons, "Questions are good."

Juspera asks, "Have you thought about what the most suitable kind of animate would be for this job?"

Speaking to her batiste gown, Leifa says, "You will NOT do for a fashion discussion."

Speaking to Juspera, Ysharra says, "So I hope that and the moral issue would convince most of them to stick with it."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "I love questions."

Juspera says, "Oh, maybe you could have different ones. Like roa'ters for tilling."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "And as it happens, that is something I am very curious about, too."

Speaking to Juspera, Melikor says, "Well, the reivers are sturdy, but..."

Speaking to Juspera, Melikor says, "I'm sure we could find someone that would work."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "I would think that it just might be possible to stem the decay enough that yes, a perfect death would not be necessary. Also, necromancers like Melikor here..."

Speaking dreamily to Juspera, Cruxophim suggests, "Or rift crawlers."

Speaking to Shinann, Melikor says, "Perhaps the Krolvin."

Speaking to Ysharra, Cerridween says, "It is easy for me to dismiss the idea of animate labor out of hand, as it generally disagrees with what I was taught. But to simply dismiss an idea before considering it fully is foolish. So I am trying to wrap my head around the possibilities of a magic I have never studied myself."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "Can use another reiver or orc to improve the health of the animate, recovering injuries and so on."

Speaking to Melikor, Ryndith asks, "Did it occur to that the krolvin might not be so fond of this arrangement?"

Speaking to Melikor, Leifa says, "Krolvin are most excellent slaves, indeed."

Speaking to Ryndith, Melikor says, "I wasn't planning on asking."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "I find parts of it distasteful as well, but I am certainly fine with alternatives coming up in time."

Speaking to Ryndith, Melikor says, "They didn't ask before they invaded our town, either."

Speaking to Melikor, Ryndith asks, "And you plan to give them more reasons to do so?"

Cruxophim airily opines, "They deserve it, but then... what do I know?"

Speaking to Ryndith, Melikor says, "I doubt they need any reason at all."

Melikor says, "Savages."

Ysharra says, "I have wondered how much the associations with undead would matter to the Empire. Or with the Faendryl being the current authorities on necromancy."

Leifa says, "They are savages, they don't need reason."

Leifa gnashes her teeth in frustration!

Speaking to Melikor, Ryndith says, "I don't know if I'd call it an invasion if the bodies of those I cared about were reanimated against their will and forced to labor for anyone, much less my enemies."

Ysharra says, "Or the Nations, for that matter."

Speaking devilishly to Ysharra, Cruxophim enthuses, "Can we find out?"

Speaking to Melikor, Ryndith says, "I imagine the Krolvin would take very unkindly to such an act."

Ysharra says, "The Nations are not as dependent on slave labor as this part of the world."

Speaking to Ryndith, Leifa asks, "Are you their protector, sir?"

Ysharra says, "They've coopted the dangerous stuff farming to the humans and halflings..."

Speaking to Ysharra, Shinann says, "From what I have seen, the Empire, well at least the Hall, prefer golems."

Ysharra gives a sidelong glance at Ryndith.

Leifa peers quizzically at Ryndith.

Speaking to Ysharra, Cerridween says, "Your ideas certainly are interestingly juxaposed to those who suggest we don't bother with the necromancy and simply capture living... specimens and force them into labor."

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra says, "Mining to the dwarves."

Speaking to Ryndith, Melikor says, "Perhaps we'll find out some day. This is all yet theory."

Thrassus says, "They take very unkindly to other folks mere existance."

Speaking to Leifa, Ryndith says, "I do what I can to protect life of all kinds."

Ysharra says, "You know, I have often wondered if golems could be used for mining."

Speaking to Ysharra, Cerridween says, "I would be curious to know if any humans, with such a short life-span, would volunteer to become an animate upon their death if it meant they could further provide for their children."

Leifa looks at Ryndith with concern.

Speaking to Leifa, Ryndith says, "And angering the Krolvin and starting a war over it does us no favors either."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "Perhaps, but for many reasons, I would prefer to use others. The savages, orcs, titans and so on."

Leifa irritatedly says, "I have no love for krolvin and you won't find any concern for their lives, just as they had none for my family."

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "I think I would find it dispiriting to see my father out in a field, a week after he died, even if it's meant well and kindly done."

Juspera says, "I think it would be a noble thing, but it's just the grossness factor."

Alisette angrily says, "I agree with Leifa."

Eiliriel says, "Perhaps we might adjourn to avoid an argument. I am sure quite a few of us would like to change before Lylia's speech."

Alisette says, "Krolvin don't qualify as anything but savage."

Speaking to Leifa, Ryndith asks, "And of the lives of those of us that might be taken should our actions give them further cause to invade, do you care about those?"

Leifa says, "I'm taking Eiliriel's advice and going to my closet for quiet time now."

Alisette says, "Agreed."

Shinann asks, "Change?"

Speaking to Leifa, Ysharra says, "I doubt the Krolvin will ever stop coming. Though razing much of Glaoveln took some wind out of their sails for a while."

Speaking to Ysharra, Eiliriel says, "Thank you for a wonderful presentation and interesting ideas."

Thrassus says, "I shall return shortly."

Cruxophim affably states, "I'm hungry, time for dinner."

Speaking to Ysharra, Leifa says, "Your presentation and most of the following discussion was thoroughly enjoyed."

Ysharra says, "Thank you all for coming."

Speaking to Shinann, Melikor says, "You're fine."

Speaking to Shinann, you say, "It is not a requirement."

Speaking to Ysharra, Cerridween says, "You make a good point. I would be equally unsettled I suppose, though it does strike me as an interesting way to donate one's body."

Ysharra says, "I am very flattered by your debates, even the disagreements."

Shinann says, "Oh, good."

Speaking to Ysharra, Melikor says, "Thank you for the presentation."

Shinann says, "I am on duty and could not come back."

Ysharra asks, "Am I ready for fashion?"

Cruxophim raises an open palm to his mouth, purses his lips, and blows a gentle kiss in Shinann's direction.

Speaking to Ysharra, Juspera says, "You look pretty good."

Melikor says, "Thank you for coming, Captain."

Speaking to Juspera, Ysharra says, "Thanks. I can always count on you."

Ryndith says, "Perhaps if the magics were used on creatures that do not possess conscious thought on their own, who have no burial rites to observe... I might find it less objectionable."

Ryndith says, "Roa'ters tilling the fields does sound intriguing, I will give you that."

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra says, "Perhaps the golem idea bears some thought, then, though I worry that they would be harder to control."

Speaking to Ryndith, Melikor says, "Yes, troll and such would be sturdy workers as well."

Speaking to Ryndith, Cerridween says, "Those nasty things would be entertaining if put to work in such a fashion."

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra says, "As I said, animates simply disintegrate if their magic is withdrawn."

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra says, "They don't rampage and explode."

Speaking to Ysharra, Ryndith says, "It's their living cousins I am more concerned about."

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra says, "I'm afraid I have to disagree with you, as in hundreds of years, we have seen no hint of true peace with the Grimswarm, or the orcs, and trolls, and so on."

Speaking to Ysharra, Ryndith asks, "There are two groups among the gnomes that have laid down arms. What is to say that other races cannot follow suit?"

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra says, "Perhaps we could include it in peace treaty negotiations."

Ysharra grins at Ryndith.

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra says, "Besides, gnomes have necromancers in their leagues, I think they understand it without taking too much insult at the concept."

Ysharra says, "I met one just the other night who had a half-elven bandit as his animate."

Ysharra says, "Should I take offense and make war with him? I'd probably win."

Ysharra grins.

Speaking to Ysharra, Ryndith says, "One wrongdoing does not justify another."

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra says, "True. But you have to make a qualified comparison, too."

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra says, "In any case, I'm afraid I would love to keep this up, but I do need to prepare for Lylia's coming."

Ysharra drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Ryndith, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides.

Ryndith bows to Ysharra.

Speaking to Ryndith, Ysharra asks, "Sir dwarf, another time, I hope?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Ryndith says, "Perhaps."

Ysharra winks at Cerridween.

Speaking to Cerridween, Ysharra says, "It's a start."

Ysharra says, "See you all shortly, friends, visitors."