OSPITALITA' STUDENTI di Belmonte, Chauchina e Port D'Alcudia
Novembre 2022
Dal 6 al 12 Novembre gli studenti della scuola secondaria di Primo grado di seconda hanno ospitato 34 studenti spagnoli, provenienti dalle nuove scuole partner spagnole con le quali abbiamo collaborato durante il primo anno di accreditamento.
L'esperienza ha permesso di coinvolgere non solo gli alunni che avrebbero partecipato alle mobilità nella primavera del 2023, ma anche altri studenti, ai quali è stata data l'opportunità di vivere una settimana basata sull'integrazione culturale, l'immersione nella lingua inglese e spagnola, utilizzate durante le attività, e condivisione di momenti importanti con le proprie famiglie.
L'ospitalità ha dato l'occasione anche ad alunni con minori opportunità di partecipare a tutte le iniziative programmate, compresa la fase di preparazione e valutazione successiva.
Il programma di attività ha incluso numerosi laboratori a scuola, visite e percorsi educativi nei musei definiti insieme ai partner.
Ecco il dettaglio, in lingua inglese, del programma.
Monday 7th
8.00: meeting at school
8.30: Welcome and Icebreakers in the GYM
9.30: divided into 3 groups start of 1st workshop session
A. Sport activities - GYM (basement floor)
B. Singing and rhythm lab - SCIENCE LAB (1° floor)
C. English theatre lab - MEETING ROOM (basement floor)
11.00: change of workshop - 2nd workshop session
12,30: change of workshop - 3rd workshop session
13,45: Lunch in the meeting room/gym hall or outside
14,30: Treasure hunt to discover Nole organized by Associazione Giovaninsieme
17,00: Back to the families
Tuesday 8th
8.00: meeting at school
8.30: Trip to Turin - Tour with Spanish guides around Turin by bus with stops in significative
12.00: Break at Lingotto Centre
14,30: visit to the car museum with a Spanish guide. Technological workshops in English (3
18,30: back to Nole and time with the families
Wednesday 9th
8.00: meeting at school
8.30: Icebreakers in the GYM
9.30: divided into 3 groups start of 1st workshop session
A. Sport activities - GYM (basement floor)
B. Art workshop - SCIENCE LAB (1° floor)
C. Dancing workshop – flashmob - MEETING ROOM (basement floor) - organized by Associazione Giovaninsieme
11.00: change of workshop - 2nd workshop session
12,30: change of workshop - 3rd workshop session
13,30: transfer to La Mandria regional park in Venaria – Lunch – Walking tour
16,30: Transfer to the ice cream farmhouse – taste of ice cream for students and local products for teachers
Thursday 10th
8.00: meeting at school
8.30: Trip to Turin - City center – guided tour in Spanish and orienteering game
12.30: Lunch and time for further visits and shopping
14,30: visit to the cinema museum with a Spanish guide divided into 3 groups with different time of access
18,00: back to Nole and time with the families
Friday 11th
8.00: meeting at school
8.15: Games in the GYM
9.00: Italian students in their classes. Spanish students divided into 3 groups for the Spanish cultural moments in the classes
🡪Group A-B-C
First session 9,00-10,15 – Second session 10,30-11,45 – Third session 12-13,15
9,00 Group A - MEETING ROOM (basement floor) (Italian classes 2A/2F – 2D/C – 2E)
Group B - in the classes (3C – 3A ground floor – 3B first floor)
Group C - in the classes (3D – 3E – 2B first floor)
13,15: walk to the ecological path «Corona Verde» and San Vito sanctuary- Lunch
17,30: Back to the families’
19,30: Final party at Nole Forum (meeting center)