LRC Leaders Training Programme

The following modules will help you with the learning skills you need to be a successful LRC Leader in the LRC.

Module 1 - Welcome to the LRC Leaders Training Programme 

In this module, you will learn what the LRC Leader Training Programme involves. The requirements and skills you need to be a successful LRC Leader. The tasks you will do when on duty in the Library. The LRC Leaders awards criteria and training modules you need to take for each award. Finally covering the end of year awards, perks and the LRC Leaders contract. 

Module 2 - LRC Management System

In this module, you will learn all the functions of using the school LRC Management system called Libresoft Librarian +.  You will be trained in using the system with the support of a more experienced LRC Leader whilst you're doing the issue desk duty in the LRC. Below is a Learning Guide on how to use the Libresoft Librarian+ system and mock exercises of the key tasks you will be using the Libresoft Librarian system for when at the front desk. When you feel confident in using the Libresoft Librarian + system. Please, get a Senior LRC Leader to peer assess you to see if you understand all the features of the Libresoft Librarian system using the online peer assessment form. You need to demonstrate that you know how to use all the features of system to pass this module. 

Module 3 - How to Shelf and Tidy Fiction Books

In this module, you will learn how to shelf the fiction books in the LRC. Learn about the different fiction book areas in the LRC. Learn how the Middle Grade and Advanced Readers books are divided into different genre zones. Finally, learn about Shelf Tidying Etiquette and how to use the Shelf Tidying Sheet.

Module 4 - How to Shelf and Tidy Non-Fiction Books

In this module, you will learn how to shelf the non-fiction books in the LRC. Learn about the different types of non-fiction book areas in the LRC. Learning about the Dewey Decimal System and how to put non-fiction books in order in the LRC. Finally, learn about Shelf Tidying Etiquette and how to use the Shelf Tidying Sheet.

Module 5 - Customer Service

In this module you will learn the following:

Module 6 - Data and GDPR

In this module, you will learn about what GDPR is, how personal data is stored in the LRC management system, and the levels of access. You will also discover how to respect and protect students' and staff data while on duty. 

Module 7 VLeBooks

In this module, you will learn how to access and use the features within VLeBooks our school eBook collection.