How To Find A Non-Fiction Books In The LRC?

Non-Fiction Books in the school LRC are organised by using a numbering system called the Dewey Decimal Classification System or DDC for short. The DDC helps users find non-fiction books more easily. The DDC is organised from 000 to 999. This is broken down into ten sections of 100s. The diagram below, displays the ten sections of the DDC, their associated subject area and the colour zone spine stickers we use for each section in the LRC:

In addition to having the DDC no, we also put the first three letters of the author’s surname after the DDC No on each non-fiction book. For Example, William Shakespeare would be 822.33 SHA. The DDC No for each book can been found at the bottom of each book spine.  Finally, some of the non-fiction books have been classified as reference only. Meaning that they can only be read in the LRC.

The video below gives you an overall summary of the DDC: