
MEmu := "Xenia"

MEmuV := "v1.0.0"

MURL := ["http://xenia.jp/"]

MAuthor := ["drik333","Dime333"]

MVersion := "1.0.4"

MCRC := ""

iCRC := ""

MID := ""

MSystem := ["Microsoft Xbox 360","Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade"]


; Notes:

; Set Skip Checks to Rom Extension.

; You need to use the emulator in portable mode. You can do this by creating  a file called "portable.txt" and placing it in the emu folder.

; The module is able to launch iso files and extracted games.

; For extracted games, you have to name the folders of the games like your database. To see these games in RLUI, create blank txt files named like

; your database and edit iso|txt|xex as Rom Extensions in RLUI. Or you can make zip files of each game and set the compression to "uncompressed" for

; fast load times.





primaryExe := new Emulator(emuPath . "\" . executable) ; instantiate emulator executable object

emuPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("Xenia","XeniaWindowClass")) ; instantiate primary emulator window object

Fullscreen := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)

gpu := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Settings", "GPU","D3D12",,,1)

draw_resolution_scale := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Settings", "Draw_resolution_scale","1280x720",,,1)

d3d12_readback_resolve := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Settings", "D3D12_readback_resolve","false",,1)

auto_clear_runtime_caches := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Settings", "Auto_clear_runtime_caches","true",,1)

max_queued_frames := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Settings", "Max_queued_frames","4",,,1)

break_on_unimplemented_instructions := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Settings", "Break_on_unimplemented_instr.","true",,1)

protect_zero := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Settings", "Protect_zero","true",,1)

scribble_heap := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Settings", "Scribble_heap","false",,1)

If StringUtils.InStr(executable,"canary")


config := new IniFile(emuPath . "\xenia-canary.config.toml")




config := new IniFile(emuPath . "\xenia.config.toml")


hideEmuObj := Object(emuPrimaryWindow,1)

7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, sevenZExtractPath)



ExtractedGamePath := "\" . romName . "\default.xex"

ExtractedGameFile := new File(romPath . ExtractedGamePath)

If (gpu = "D3D12")


config.Write(" ""d3d12""", "GPU", "gpu ")




config.Write(" ""vulkan""", "GPU", "gpu ")


If (draw_resolution_scale = "1280x720")


config.Write(" 1", "GPU", "draw_resolution_scale_x ")

config.Write(" 1", "GPU", "draw_resolution_scale_y ")


If (draw_resolution_scale = "2560x1440")


config.Write(" 2", "GPU", "draw_resolution_scale_x ")

config.Write(" 2", "GPU", "draw_resolution_scale_y ")


If (draw_resolution_scale = "3840x2160")


config.Write(" 3", "GPU", "draw_resolution_scale_x ")

config.Write(" 3", "GPU", "draw_resolution_scale_y ")


If (d3d12_readback_resolve = "false")


config.Write(" false", "D3D12", "d3d12_readback_resolve ")




config.Write(" true", "D3D12", "d3d12_readback_resolve ")


If (max_queued_frames = "1")


config.Write(" 1", "APU", "max_queued_frames ")


If (max_queued_frames = "4")


config.Write(" 4", "APU", "max_queued_frames ")


If (max_queued_frames = "8")


config.Write(" 8", "APU", "max_queued_frames ")


If (max_queued_frames = "16")


config.Write(" 16", "APU", "max_queued_frames ")


If (max_queued_frames = "32")


config.Write(" 32", "APU", "max_queued_frames ")


If (max_queued_frames = "64")


config.Write(" 64", "APU", "max_queued_frames ")


If (break_on_unimplemented_instructions = "true")


config.Write(" true", "CPU", "break_on_unimplemented_instructions ")




config.Write(" false", "CPU", "break_on_unimplemented_instructions ")


If (protect_zero = "true")


config.Write(" true", "Memory", "protect_zero ")




config.Write(" false", "Memory", "protect_zero ")


If (scribble_heap = "false")


config.Write(" false", "Memory", "scribble_heap ")




config.Write(" true", "Memory", "scribble_heap ")


If (Fullscreen = "true") 


If (ExtractedGameFile.Exist()) {

primaryExe.Run(" --fullscreen """ . romPath . "\" . romName . "\default.xex" """")

} Else If (ExtractedGameFile !="") {

primaryExe.Run(" --fullscreen """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """")





If (ExtractedGameFile.Exist()) {

primaryExe.Run("""" . romPath . "\" . romName . "\default.xex" """")

} Else If (ExtractedGameFile !="") {

primaryExe.Run("""" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """")








If (auto_clear_runtime_caches = "true")




Sleep 1000

Send {f5}

Process, Exist, xenia.exe

IF !errorlevel=1

Process, Exist, xenia_canary.exe

IF !errorlevel=1

Goto, Continue


Sleep 1




Sleep 1











<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<INIFILE name="%ModuleName%" required="false">



<SECTION name="Settings" required="false">



<KEY name="Fullscreen" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Fullscreen.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="GPU" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Do not set this to Vulkan if you are using the canary version of the emulator or it will not start at all. Determines which graphics API to use. Default is D3D12. Quake Arena Arcade is one of the very few games that work better with vulkan.</DESCRIPTION>






<KEY name="Draw_resolution_scale" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Sets the internal resolution. Will affect performance. Default is 1280x720.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="D3D12_readback_resolve" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>If set to true, this will fix gfx issues in some games. For example black screen in "Alan Wake", but it has a huge performance impact. Default is false.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Auto_clear_runtime_caches" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>This will fix gfx issues in many games. But it will cause others to freeze. For example do not use this for GTA V. Default is true.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Max_queued_frames" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>This only works in the canary version of the emulator. A lower value will reduce audio delay. Set it to a higher value if you get audio issues. Default is 4.</DESCRIPTION>










<KEY name="Break_on_unimplemented_instr." required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Needs to be set to false for some games. For example "Max: The Curse of Brotherhood". Default is true.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Protect_zero" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Needs to be set to false for some games. For example "Max: The Curse of Brotherhood". Default is true.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Scribble_heap" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>This will fix black textures in some games if set to true. For example "FarCry 3: Blood Dragon". Default is false.</DESCRIPTION>




<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">



<KEY name="Fullscreen" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Fullscreen.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="GPU" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Do not set this to Vulkan if you are using the canary version of the emulator or it will not start at all. Determines which graphics API to use. Default is D3D12. Quake Arena Arcade is one of the very few games that work better with vulkan.</DESCRIPTION>






<KEY name="Draw_resolution_scale" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Sets the internal resolution. Will affect performance. Default is 1280x720.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="D3D12_readback_resolve" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>If set to true, this will fix gfx issues in some games. For example black screen in "Alan Wake", but it has a huge performance impact. Default is false.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Auto_clear_runtime_caches" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>This will fix gfx issues in many games. But it will cause others to freeze. For example do not use this for GTA V. Default is true.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Max_queued_frames" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>This only works in the canary version of the emulator. A lower value will reduce audio delay. Set it to a higher value if you get audio issues. Default is 4.</DESCRIPTION>










<KEY name="Break_on_unimplemented_instr." required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Needs to be set to false for some games. For example "Max: The Curse of Brotherhood. Default is true.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Protect_zero" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Needs to be set to false for some games. For example "Max: The Curse of Brotherhood. Default is true.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Scribble_heap" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>This will fix black textures in some games if set to true. For example "FarCry 3: Blood Dragon". Default is false.</DESCRIPTION>










How to use: To change these options, open xenia.config.toml in a text editor like Notepad++. It will be in Documents\Xenia by default. If portable.txt is present it will be in the same directory as xenia.exe. You can make per-game configs by placing xenia.config.toml in the content\TitleID folder. For launchers/frontends like Bottlenose you can use the --config launch parameter to specify what config to use. To launch specific games add the path to the game before the launch options, for example: xenia.exe path/to/game.iso --vsync=false Misc Run games as full/activated license_mask = -1 or 1 Change game language: user_language = # 1= EN (default) 2= JA 3= DE 4= FR 5= ES 6= IT 7= KO 8= ZH 9= PT 11= PL 12= RU 13= SV 14= TR 15= NB 16= NL 17= ZH GPU 2x resolution scaling (up to 1440p) ONLY WITH ROV: d3d12_resolution_scale = 2 ONLY 1-2X IS SUPPORTED. NOTHING ELSE! Uncap FPS: vsync = false This won't improve the framerate if your PC can't handle running the game at it's normal FPS. This does not work with the Halo games. Disable ROV (rasterizer-ordered views) d3d12_edram_rov = false Disables rasterizer-ordered views. Recommended for AMD GPUs. Vulkan: gpu = 'vulkan' Don't expect Vulkan to work. Vulkan v2 (rewrite) doesn't do anything yet. 

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Post processing Settings F6

Add command line for game folder : Commande pour ins�rer le raccourci de l' �mulateur:--gpu=gl4 ligne de commande pour un raccourci: Adapter la commande � l'endroit o� votre jeu et �mulateur: "D:\Hyperspin\Xenia\Xenia\xenia XBLA_2017.exe" --gpu=gl4 --fullscreen "D:\Hyperspin\Xenia\Xenia\Scott Pilgrim\000D0000\A272FFD4026056CBA1CF011F81CBA8DCCDF9964E58"