
11 Matches / 11 ROMs šŸ•¹ļø use Emulator MESS or MAME

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How to run SORD M5 under MAME (1) or MESS (2) ; rename SordM5 Name Title without spaces and dashesĀ 



In order for the emulator to work, it needs files (required files). You will find them in the "MAME 0.193 ROMs (merged)" and "MAME 0.193 Software List ROMs (merged)" folders here. Note: "0.193" means version number and may be changed.

Download MAME, unpack it (e.g. into folder L:\MAME\) and required files place in subfolder "roms" (L:\MAME\roms)


you may edit mame.ini and add paths to folders with required files (example):

rompath Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  "roms;L:\MAME 0.193 CHDs (merged);L:\MAME 0.193 ROMs (bios-devices);L:\MAME 0.193 ROMs (merged);L:\MAME 0.193 Software List CHDs (merged);L:\MAME 0.193 Software List ROMs (machines-bios-devices);L:\MAME 0.193 Software List ROMs (merged)"

swpathĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  "L:\MAME 0.193 Software List ROMs (machines-bios-devices)"

Then you may RUN emulator MAME using COMMAND PROMPT (example):

mame64 m5p -cart1 64kbi -cart2 basici -cass L:\SORD_m5\SORD_m5_EXCELLENT_COPY_v_02.04_(3x).WAV

mame64 m5p -cart1 em_5 -cart2 basicf -cass ā¬…FILEāž”

mame64 m5p -cart1 em_5 -cart2 basicg -cass ā¬…FILEāž”

mame64 m5p -cart1 em_5 -cart2 basici -cass ā¬…FILEāž”

mame64 m5p -cart1 64kbf -cass ā¬…FILEāž”

Under emulator type:

"tapeā¬…ENTERāž”" or "chainā¬…ENTERāž”" (without quotes) - it loads WAV into SORD and execute it.

Important keys:

SCROLL LOCK - enables/disables "non emulated" keys

if "non emulated" keys are enabled, then:

TAB - opens MENU (among other things there you can change WAV file to another one)

F3 - reboot M5

F12 - take screenshot (pictures are stored in L:\MAME\snap\m5p)

if "non emulated" keys are disabled, then:

TAB - acts as FUNC

ESC - acts as RESET (I recomend relocate on PRTSCR key, because CTRL+ESC and SHIFT+ESC does not work due Windows are crippled)


Under Basic-F command for work with cassettes not work well, because default device is floppy. So you must use CMT: to load/save. Examples:

old "CMT:"

run "CMT:"

chain "CMT:"

or you can specify name (also with with wildcard) to load:

chain "CMT:TASWORD2"

chain "CMT:TAS?"

(note: second quote may be ommited, e.g old"cmt:)

If you want to grab VIDEO of emulatoin to file:

mame64 m5p -cart1 em_5 -cart2 basicg -cass ā¬…pathāž”SORD_m5_cassette_Basic-G_hry_1_side_A_(mono).wav -aviwrite ā¬…filenameāž”.avi


Under messui, go to the Options, Directories... tab, under Show directories; ROMs, add by clicking on Insert the folder containing your games and bios, the detection is carried out

Put the and the from the ROMs subfolder m5 in the hash folder

Once in game activate scroll lock (Fn and K) then press the TAB key, go to Input (this machine) and reassign the keys necessary for the smooth running of the game

šŸ’¾ /additional ROMs/ :

m5_cass : ĀĀ 

m5_cart & m5_flop :

m5 :
