
MEmu := "Daphne Singe"

MEmuV :=  "v1.14"

MURL := ["http://www.singeengine.com/cms/"]

MAuthor := ["djvj"]

MVersion := "2.0.1"

MCRC := ""

iCRC := ""

MID := ""

MSystem := ["Daphne","American Laser Games","WoW Action Max"]


; Notes:

; Rom_Extension should be singe

; Your framefiles need to exist in the same dir as your Rom_Path, in each game's subfolder, and have a txt extension. The filename should match the name in your xml.

; American Laser Games

; For example,  If you rompath is C:Hyperspin\Games\American Laser Games\, the drugwars game would be found in C:Hyperspin\Games\American Laser Games\maddog\

; and the framefile would be in C:Hyperspin\Games\American Laser Games\maddog\maddog.txt

; To change the dir you want to run your games from:

; 1. Backup all your /daphne/singe/ROMNAME/ROMNAME.singe, cdrom-globals.singe, and service.singe files, most games all three in each romdir

; 2. Move all the folders in your /daphne/singe/ folder to the new location you want. You should have one folder for each game.

; 3. Open each ROMNAME.singe, cdrom-globals.singe, and service.singe in notepad and do a find/replace of all instances shown below. For example using an SMB share:

; Old

; ("singe/

; New:

; ("//BLACKPC/Hyperspin/Games/American Laser Games/


; If using a local drive, it would look something like this C:/Hyperspin/Games/American Laser Games/

; WoW Action Max

; Emu_Path should be something like this C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\WoW Action Max\daphne-singe\

; Rom_Path has to point to where all the m2v video files are kept

; Rom_Extension should be singe

; Your framefiles need to exist in the same dir as your rompath and all have txt extensions. The filename should match the name in your xml.

; To change the dir you want to run your games from:

; 1. Backup your /daphne/singe/Action Max/Emulator.singe file

; 2. Move all the files (except Emulator.singe) in your /daphne/singe/Action Max/ folder to the new location you want.

; 3. Open Emulator.singe in notepad and do a find/replace of all instances shown below. For example using an SMB share:

; Old

; "singe/Action Max/

; New:

; "//BLACKPC/Hyperspin/Games/WoW Action Max/


; If using a local drive, it would look something like this C:/Hyperspin/Games/WoW Action Max/


; There should be 18 instances that need replacing.

; 4. The only file that should be in your /daphne/singe/Action Max/ dir should be the edited Emulator.singe file (and your backup).


; If you are upgrading from the old daphne-singe-v1.0 to 1.14, don't forget to copy the old singe dir to the new emu folder, it doesn't come with the contents of that folder that you need.




settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"

Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)

daphneWidth := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "daphneWidth","1024",,1)

daphneHeight := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "daphneHeight","768",,1)

; Emptying variables if they are not set

fullscreen := (If Fullscreen = "true" ? ("-fullscreen_window") : ("")) ; fullscreen_window mode allows guncon and aimtraks to work

daphneWidth := (daphneWidth ? ("-x " . daphneWidth) : (""))

daphneHeight := (daphneHeight ? ("-y " . daphneHeight) : (""))

7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

; This allows us to send variables, that when empty, are not sent to the Run command

Run(executable . " singe vldp " . daphneWidth . A_Space . daphneHeight . A_Space . fullscreen . A_Space . "-framefile """ . romPath . "\" . romName . ".txt""" . A_Space . "-script """ . romPath . "\" . romName . ".singe""", emuPath)

WinWait("DAPHNE ahk_class SDL_app")

WinWaitActive("DAPHNE ahk_class SDL_app")


Process("WaitClose", executable)





Send, {P}



Winrestore, AHK_class %EmulatorClass%

Send, {P}




WinClose("DAPHNE ahk_class SDL_app")

;Process, Close, %executable% ; WoW Action Max module used this


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<INIFILE name="%ModuleName%" required="false">



<SECTION name="settings" required="false">



<KEY name="Fullscreen" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>If true emulator will run fullscreen.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="globalParams" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Pass additional CLI paramteres to all Daphne Singe games.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="daphneWidth" required="false" nullable="true" minLength="1">


<DESCRIPTION>Set fullscreen width.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="daphneHeight" required="false" nullable="true" minLength="1">


<DESCRIPTION>Set fullscreen height.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="SingePathUpdate" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>If true, the module will update paths in your singe files to point correctly to the rest of the files referenced. Default is true.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="ForcePathUpdate" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>If true, the module will always update paths in your singe files regardless if they "look" correct or not. Use this if some games are not launching correctly and you feel its related to a path problem.</DESCRIPTION>




<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">



<KEY name="params" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Pass additional CLI paramteres this Daphne Singe game.</DESCRIPTION>




















*Global Emulators.ini




Module=..\Daphne Singe\Daphne Singe.ahk

