cmd.exe & PCLauncher

MEmu := "PCLauncher"

MEmuV := "N/A"

MURL := [""]

MAuthor := ["djvj"]

MVersion := "2.2.7"

MCRC := "5814E2E"

iCRC := "28F444EF"

MID := "635243126483565041"

MSystem := ["American Laser Games","Arcade PC","Doujin Soft","Examu eX-BOARD","Fan Remakes","Funny Racing","Games for Windows","Konami e-Amusement","Konami Bemani","Microsoft Windows","PC Games","Singe 2.00","Singstar","Steam","Steam Big Picture","Taito Type X","Touhou Project","Ultrastar","Ultrastar Deluxe","Windows Games","Adult Games","OUYA","GOG","Origin","Terrordrome","My Abandonware","Sega Ring","DXWndGame","Xbox Live Arcade","WoW Action Max"]


; Notes:

; Use the examples in the ini, in your Modules\PCLauncher\ folder, to add more applications.

; PCLauncher supports per-System inis. Copy your PCLauncher ini in the same folder and rename it to match the System's Name. Use this if you have games with the same name across multiple systems.

; Read the tooltips for each module setting in RocketLauncherUI for the definitions of each key and help using them.

; For information on how to use this module and what all the settings do, please see



moduleIni.CheckFile("Could not find """ . moduleIni.FileFullPath . """`n`nRocketLauncherUI will create this file when you configure your first game to be used with the " . MEmu . " module.")

Application := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "Application",,,1)

AppWaitExe := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "AppWaitExe",,,1)

DiscImage := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "DiscImage",,,1)

DXWndGame := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "DXWndGame",,,1)

DXWndMaximizeWindow := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "DXWndMaximizeWindow",,,1)

ExitMethod := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "ExitMethod",,,1)

FadeTitle := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "FadeTitle",,,1)

FadeTitleWaitTillActive := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "FadeTitleWaitTillActive","true",,1)

FadeTitleTimeout := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "FadeTitleTimeout",,,1)

FadeInExitSleep := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "FadeInExitSleep",,,1)

HideConsole := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideConsole",,,1)

OriginGame := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "OriginGame",,,1)

Parameters := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "Parameters",,,1)

PostLaunch := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostLaunch",,,1)

PostLaunchParameters := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostLaunchParameters",,,1)

PostLaunchSleep := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostLaunchSleep",,,1)

PostExit := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostExit",,,1)

PostExitParameters := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostExitParameters",,,1)

PostExitSleep := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostExitSleep",,,1)

PreLaunch := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PreLaunch",,,1)

PreLaunchParameters := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PreLaunchParameters",,,1)

PreLaunchMode := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PreLaunchMode",,,1)

PreLaunchSleep := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PreLaunchSleep",,,1)

SteamID := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "SteamID",,,1)

WorkingFolder := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "WorkingFolder",,,1)

bezelTopOffset := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelTopOffset","0",,1)

bezelBottomOffset := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelBottomOffset","0",,1)

bezelLeftOffset := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelLeftOffset","0",,1)

bezelRightOffset := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelRightOffset","0",,1)

BezelFixedResMode := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelFixedResMode","false",,1)

HideWindowTitleBar := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideWindowTitleBar","true",,1)

HideWindowBorder := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideWindowBorder","true",,1)

HideWindowMenuBar := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideWindowMenuBar","true",,1)

HideDecoratorsAfterMove := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideDecoratorsAfterWindowMove","false",,1)

HideWindowBorderFirst := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideWindowBorderFirst","false",,1)

Fullscreen := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "Fullscreen",,,1)

If (!Application && !SteamID) { ; This app cannot be launched if no info exists already in the ini and this is not a steam game

ScriptError("You have not set up " . dbName . " in RocketLauncherUI yet, so PCLauncher does not know what exe, FadeTitle, and/or SteamID to watch for.")


; Configuring bezel settings that would normally be set in BezelLabel

If (HideWindowTitleBar = "false")

disableHideTitleBar := true

If (HideWindowBorder = "false")

disableHideBorder := true

If (HideWindowMenuBar = "false")

disableHideToggleMenu := true

If (HideDecoratorsAfterMove = "true")

hideDecoratorsAfterWindowMove := true

If (HideWindowBorderFirst = "true")

hideBorderFirst := true

If Fullscreen {

;Warn user if fullscreen is set, but no custom game user function file exists for this game

gameUserFunc := new File(libPath . "\Lib\User Functions\" . systemName . "\" . dbName . ".ahk")

If (!gameUserFunc.Exist()) {

RLLog.Warning("PCLauncher - You have configured a fullscreen setting for this game, but no GameUserFunction file exists at '" . gameUserFunc.FileFullPath . "' therefore the fullscreen setting won't have any effect until you create such file and implement the proper SetFullscreen function")





If (BezelFixedResMode = "true")




If Application {

primaryExe := new Emulator(Application) ; instantiate primary application executable object


If (AppWaitExe != "") {

AppWaitExe := new Process(AppWaitExe)


If FadeTitle {

FadeTitleObj := StringUtils.ParsePCTitle(FadeTitle)

appPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle(FadeTitleObj.Title,FadeTitleObj.Class)) ; instantiate primary application window object


; If Application needs a cd/dvd image in the drive, mount it in DT first

If DiscImage {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Application is a Disc Image, mounting it in DT")

appIsImage := 1

DiscImage := new File(GetFullName(DiscImage)) ; convert a relative path defined in the PCLauncher ini to absolute

DiscImage.CheckFile("Cannot find this DiscImage for " . dbName . ":`n" . DiscImage.FileFullPath)

; StringUtils.SplitPath(DiscImage,"",ImagePath,ImageExt,ImageName)

If StringUtils.Contains(DiscImage.FileExt,"mds|mdx|b5t|b6t|bwt|ccd|cue|isz|nrg|cdi|iso|ape|flac")

{ VirtualDrive("get") ; get the vdDriveLetter

; VirtualDrive("mount",ImagePath . "\" . ImageName . "." . ImageExt)


} Else

ScriptError("You defined a DiscImage, but it is not a supported format for this module and/or DT:`nccd,cdi,cue,iso,isz,nrg")


; Verify module's settings are set


If PreLaunch {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - PreLaunch set by user, running: " . PreLaunch)

PreLaunchParameters := If (!PreLaunchParameters or PreLaunchParameters="ERROR") ? "" : PreLaunchParameters

If (preLaunchMode = "run") {

errLevel := PreLaunchExe.Run(If PreLaunchIsURL ? "" : PreLaunchParameters,,,,,(If PreLaunchIsURL ? "" : 1)) ; If this is a url, do not send params

If errLevel

ScriptError("There was a problem launching your PreLaunch application. Please check it is a valid executable.")


} Else {

errLevel := PreLaunchExe.RunWait(If PreLaunchIsURL ? "" : PreLaunchParameters,,(If PreLaunchIsURL ? "" : 1)) ; If this is a url, do not send params

If errLevel

ScriptError("There was a problem launching your PreLaunch application. Please check it is a valid executable.")



If (DXWndGame = "true") ; start dxwnd if needed


Fullscreen := If BezelEnabled() ? "false" : Fullscreen

FullscreenParams := CustomFunction.SetFullscreenPreLaunch(Fullscreen)

If (FullscreenParams) {

RLLog.Debug("PCLauncher - Setting fullscreen parameters to : " . FullscreenParams)

Parameters .= " " . FullscreenParams


If StringUtils.Contains(mode,"steam|steambp") ; steam launch

Steam(SteamID, primaryExe.FileFullPath, Parameters)

Else If (mode = "origin") ; origin launch

Origin(primaryExe.FileName, primaryExe.FilePath, Parameters)

Else {

If (mode = "url")

{ RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Launching URL.")

errLevel := primaryExe.Run()

} Else { ; standard launch

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Launching a standard application.")

If (HideConsole = "true" and primaryExe.FileExt = "bat") {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Hiding DOS console for bat file.")

objShell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")

objShell.CurrentDirectory := If WorkingFolder ? WorkingFolder : primaryExe.FilePath

errLevel := objShell.Run("""" . primaryExe.FileName . """ " . Parameters, 0, false)



errLevel := primaryExe.Run(Parameters,,,,,1,If WorkingFolder ? WorkingFolder : "")


If errLevel

ScriptError("There was a problem launching your " . (If appIsImage ? "ImageExe" : "Application") . ". Please check it is a valid executable.")


If PostLaunch {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - PostLaunch set by user, running: " . PostLaunch)

PostLaunchExe := new Process(PostLaunch)

PostLaunchParameters := If (!PostLaunchParameters or PostLaunchParameters="ERROR") ? "" : PostLaunchParameters

errLevel := PostLaunchExe.Run(If PostLaunchIsURL ? "" : PostLaunchParameters,,,,,(If PostLaunchIsURL ? "" : 1)) ; If this is a url, do not send params

If errLevel

ScriptError("There was a problem launching your PostLaunch application. Please check it is a valid executable.")



If FadeTitle {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - FadeTitle set by user, waiting for """ . appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.GetWindowTitle() . """")

If (FadeTitleTimeout)




If (FadeTitleWaitTillActive = "true")


} Else If AppWaitExe {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - FadeTitle not set by user, but AppWaitExe is. Waiting for AppWaitExe: " . AppWaitExe.FileName)


If (AppWaitExe.PID = 0)

ScriptError("PCLauncher - There was an error getting the Process ID of your AppWaitExe """ . AppWaitExe.FileName . """. Please try setting a FadeTitle instead.")

} Else If SteamIDExe {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - FadeTitle and AppWaitExe not set by user, but SteamIDExe was found. Waiting for SteamIDExe: " . SteamIDExe.FileFullPath)

SteamIDExe.Process("Wait",15) ; wait 15 seconds for this process to launch

If (SteamIDExe.PID = 0)

ScriptError("PCLauncher - There was an error getting the Process ID from your SteamIDExe for """ . dbName . """. Please try setting a FadeTitle instead.")

} Else If primaryExe.PID {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - FadeTitle and AppWaitExe not set by user, but a PID for the primary application was found. Waiting for PID: " . primaryExe.PID)

appPrimaryWindow.PID := primaryExe.PID ; store the PID of the primary exe into the window object

appPrimaryWindow.Wait(,primaryExe.PID) ; only wait for the pid, not any other window element


} Else

RLLog.Error("PCLauncher - FadeTitle and AppWaitExe not set by user and no AppPID found from an Application, PCLauncher has nothing to wait for")

If (DXWndGame = "true" and (DXWndMaximizeWindow = "aspect" or DXWndMaximizeWindow = "stretch"))

appPrimaryWindow.Maximize(If (DXWndMaximizeWindow="aspect") ? "true" : "false")


TimerUtils.Sleep(FadeInExitSleep) ; PCLauncher setting for some stubborn games that keeps the fadeIn screen up a little longer


If AppWaitExe {

If !FadeTitle {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Creating a window based on the AppWaitExe because FadeTitle was not set")

appPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle(,,,,AppWaitExe.PID)) ; instantiate AppWaitExe window object



appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.PID := "" ; remove PID from future window matches

appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.ID := appPrimaryWindow.ID ; inject hwnd ID so future matches use it instead


RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Waiting for AppWaitExe """ . AppWaitExe.FileName . """ to close.")


} Else If FadeTitle { ; If fadeTitle is set and no appPID was created.

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Waiting for FadeTitle """ . appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.GetWindowTitle() . """ to close.")


} Else If SteamIDExe {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Waiting for SteamIDExe """ . SteamIDExe.FileName . """ to close.")


} Else If primaryExe.PID {

If !FadeTitle {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Creating a window based on the Primary Application """ . primaryExe.FileName . """ because FadeTitle nor AppWaitExe were set")

appPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle(,,,,primaryExe.PID)) ; instantiate primary application window object



appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.PID := "" ; remove PID from future window matches

appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.ID := appPrimaryWindow.ID ; inject hwnd ID so future matches use it instead


RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Waiting for the Primary Application PID """ . primaryExe.PID . """ to close.")


} Else

ScriptError("Could not find a proper AppWaitExe`, FadeTitle`, or AppPID (from the launched Application). Try setting either an AppWaitExe or FadeTitle so the module has something to look for.")

If PostExit {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - PostExit set by user, running: " . PostExit)

PostExitExe := new Process(PostExit)

PostExitParameters := If (!PostExitParameters or PostExitParameters="ERROR") ? "" : PostExitParameters

errLevel := PostExitExe.Run(If PostExitIsURL ? "" : PostExitParameters,,,,,(If PostExitIsURL ? "" : 1)) ; If this is a url, do not send params

If errLevel

ScriptError("There was a problem launching your PostExit application. Please check it is a valid executable.")



; If Application is a cd/dvd image, unmount it in DT

If appIsImage


; Close steam if it was not open prior to launch, not really needed anymore because module knows how to launch if steam already running now

; If (primaryExe.PID = 0)

; Run, Steam.exe -shutdown, %SteamPath% ; close steam

If (DXWndGame = "true")





CheckSettings() {

Global Application,primaryExe

Global PreLaunch,PreLaunchExe,PreLaunchIsURL

Global PostLaunch,PostLaunchExe,PostLaunchIsURL

Global PostExit,PostExitExe,PostExitIsURL

Global moduleName,appIsImage,vdDriveLetter,SteamID,OriginGame,DXWndGame,mode,AppWaitExe,SteamIDExe,FadeTitle

Global modulePath,fadeIn

RLLog.Info("CheckSettings - Started")

; These checks allow you to run URL and Steam browser protocol commands. Without them ahk would error out that it can't find the file. This is different than setting a SteamID but either work

If (SteamID) {

mode := "steam" ; setting module to use steam mode

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - SteamID is set, setting mode to: """ . mode . """")

} Else If (StringUtils.SubStr(Application,1,3) = "ste") {

mode := "steambp" ; setting module to use Steam Browser Protocol mode

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Application is a Steam Browser Protocol, setting mode to: """ . mode . """")

} Else If (StringUtils.SubStr(Application,1,4) = "http") {

mode := "url" ; setting module to use url mode

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Application is a URL, setting mode to: """ . mode . """")

} Else If OriginGame {

mode := "origin" ; setting module to use Origin mode


RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Origin mode enabled. Will log in to Origin if required.")

} Else If Application {

mode := "standard" ; for standard launching


RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Setting mode to: """ . mode . """")

} Else ; error if no modes are used

ScriptError("Please set an Application, SteamID, Steam Browser Protocol, or URL in " moduleName . ".ini for """ . dbName . """")

If (SteamID && Application) ; do not allow 2 launching methods as module cannot know which should be used

ScriptError("You are trying to use Steam and an Application, you must choose one or the other.")

If ((mode = "steam" || mode = "steambp") && !AppWaitExe && !FadeTitle) { ; && fadeIn = "true") { ; If AppWaitExe or FadeTitle are defined, that will take precedence over the automatic method using the SteamIDs.ini

SteamIDFile := new IniFile(modulePath . "\SteamIDs.ini")


If !SteamID ; if this game does not have a SteamID defined

StringUtils.SplitPath(Application,SteamID) ; try to grab the ID from the Application name

SteamIDExe := SteamIDFile.ReadCheck(SteamID, "exe",,,1)

If !SteamIDExe ; if it was still not found, error out

ScriptError("You are using launching a Steam game but no way for the module to know what window to wait for after launching. Please set a AppWaitExe, FadeTitle, or make sure your SteamID and the correct exe is defined in the SteamIDs.ini",10)

Else {

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Found an exe in the SteamIDs.ini for this game: """ . SteamIDExe . """")

SteamIDExe := new Process(SteamIDExe)


} Else If (mode = "url" && !AppWaitExe && !FadeTitle)

ScriptError("You are using launching a URL but no way for the module to know what to window to wait for after launching. Please set a AppWaitExe or FadeTitle to your default application that gets launched when opening URLs.",10)

If (appIsImage && !primaryExe.FilePath) ; if user only defined an exe for Application with no path, assume it will be found on the root dir of the image when mounted

primaryExe.FilePath := vdDriveLetter . ":\"

If (!primaryExe.FileName && mode = "standard" && (mode != "steam" || mode != "steambp"))

ScriptError("Missing filename on the end of your Application in " . moduleName . ".ini:`n" . primaryExe.FileFullPath)

If (!primaryExe.FileExt && mode = "standard" && (mode != "steam" || mode != "steambp"))

ScriptError("Missing extension on your Application in " . moduleName . ".ini:`n" . primaryExe.FileFullPath)

PreLaunchExe := AltAppCheck(PreLaunch,"PreLaunch",PreLaunchIsURL)

PostLaunchExe := AltAppCheck(PostLaunch,"PostLaunch",PostLaunchIsURL)

PostExitExe := AltAppCheck(PostExit,"PostExit",PostExitIsURL)

If (mode = "standard")

primaryExe.CheckFile("Cannot find this Application:`n" . primaryExe.FileFullPath) ; keeping this last so more descriptive errors will trigger first

RLLog.Info("CheckSettings - Ended")


AltAppCheck(file,id,ByRef urlID) {

If file {

obj := new Process(file)

urlID := If (StringUtils.SubStr(file,1,4)="http" || StringUtils.SubStr(file,1,3)="ste") ? 1:""

If urlID

RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - " . id . " is a URL or Steam Browser Protocol: " . file)

Else {


obj.CheckFile("Cannot find this " . id . " application:`n" . obj.FileFullPath)


Return obj










If (ExitMethod != "InGame") {


If (ExitMethod = "Process Close AppWaitExe" && AppWaitExe) {

RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""Process Close AppWaitExe""")


} Else If (ExitMethod = "WinClose AppWaitExe" && AppWaitExe) {

RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""WinClose AppWaitExe""")


AppWaitWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle(,,,,AppWaitExe.PID))


} Else If (ExitMethod = "Process Close Application") {

RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""Process Close Application""")


} Else If (ExitMethod = "WinClose Application" && FadeTitle) {

RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""WinClose Close Application""")


} Else If (ExitMethod = "Send Alt+F4") {

RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""Send Alt+F4""")


} Else {

RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - Default ExitMethod`, using ""WinClose""")





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<INIFILE name="%ModuleName%" required="true">



<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="true">



<GROUP name="Application"/>

<GROUP name="Pre/Post Launch"/>

<GROUP name="Bezel"/>

<GROUP name="Misc"/>



<KEY name="Application" group="Application" required="true" nullable="false">



<DESCRIPTION>The directory and executable, batch, or shortcut (lnk file) to your application. (this must end with the applications 3-letter extension). If an exe on an image is defined here, the image defined below will be mounted with your Virtual Drive first then this exe will be ran. If no exact path to the exe is defined, it will assume it is found on the root folder of the mounted image. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="AppWaitExe" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This will be the exe, if different then the Application, that you want the script to wait to close. This would be needed if launching a bat file, which in turn launches another exe, where the exe is the game. Leave this blank if the module works fine with the exe from the Application key.</DESCRIPTION>





<KEY name="WorkingFolder" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>Mostly for GoG games, allows you to set a different working directory then the default directory (the one Application exists in).</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="DiscImage" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>Path to a disc image (ccd,cdi,cue,iso,isz,nrg) if required by a game, usually for a cd check. Only fill this key if a cd/dvd image is required by your game.</DESCRIPTION>











<KEY name="Parameters" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your application.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="ExitMethod" group="Application" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Define an alternate way to exit your Application in case it doesn't close with your Front End's exit keys using the default WinClose. WinClose methods are suggested as they will cleanly close a window, whereas Process methods force close it (many apps do not like to be force closed). Alt+F4 is an app-friendly method also, but some applications will disable this. InGame will disable any RL exit keys and you must exit through the ingame menus. Choose the one that works best for your scenario. WARNING, before enabling Fade_Out on exit, make sure you test your ExitMethod first, otherwise you might get a blank screen while game never closed.</DESCRIPTION>


<VALUE>WinClose Application</VALUE>

<VALUE>WinClose AppWaitExe</VALUE>

<VALUE>Process Close Application</VALUE>

<VALUE>Process Close AppWaitExe</VALUE>

<VALUE>Send Alt+F4</VALUE>




<KEY name="SteamID" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>If you are launching a steam game, provide the ID of the game here. This will turn on steam mode if not blank. Steam only understands AppIDs for games, not rom names. See here for more info on finding a steam ID for your game:</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="OriginGame" group="Application" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if this game uses the Origin service. If true, it will automatically login to Origin so you do not get stuck at a login prompt while loading.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PreLaunch" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>This can be used to run another application before launching the Application. This will usually be blank. Can be a relative or absolute path, and include any parameters on this one line. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostLaunch" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>This can be used to run another application after the Application has launched, but before the module waits for it to close. This will usually be blank. Can be a relative or absolute path, and include any parameters on this one line. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostExit" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>This can be used to run another application after the Application has closed. This will usually be blank. Can be a relative or absolute path, and include any parameters on this one line. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PreLaunchParameters" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your PreLaunch application.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PreLaunchMode" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>This allows you to control wether the PreLaunch application will pause RocketLauncher from continuing until it closes (runwait) or continue running even though the PreLaunch application may still be running. Utilize the PreLaunchSleep to pause RocketLauncher a certain amount of time when using "run" mode only. Default is Run.</DESCRIPTION>






<KEY name="PreLaunchSleep" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>If you need the script to wait after launching your PreLaunch app for a set amount of time, put that here (1000=1 second). Only applies if PreLaunchMode is set to "run" or "default".</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostLaunchParameters" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your PostLaunch application.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostLaunchSleep" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>If you need the script to wait after launching your PostLaunch app for a set amount of time, put that here (1000=1 second).</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostExitParameters" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your PostLaunch application.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostExitSleep" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>If you need the script to wait after launching your PostLaunch app for a set amount of time, put that here (1000=1 second).</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelTopOffset" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set top offset for bezel in pixels</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelBottomOffset" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set bottom offset for bezel in pixels</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelLeftOffset" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set right offset for bezel in pixels</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelRightOffset" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set left offset for bezel in pixels</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelFixedResMode" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if the game requires fixed resolution bezel mode. Do this if the game window cannot be resized</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideWindowTitleBar" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to false if the title bar of the game's window should not be hidden. Defaults to true</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideWindowBorder" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to false if the border of the game's window should not be hidden. Defaults to true</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideWindowMenuBar" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to false if the menu bar of the game's window should not be hidden. Defaults to true</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideWindowBorderFirst" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if the this game requires that its border is hidden before the title bar. Defaults to false, only change this setting if you aren't able to hide the border or title bar of the game's window</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideDecoratorsAfterWindowMove" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if the this game requires that the window decorators are hidden only after the window being moved/resized. Defaults to false, only change this setting if you aren't able to hide the border or title bar of the game's window. What normally happens is that the border/title of the window will become visible again anytime the window is moved or resized.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Fullscreen" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Fullscreen. This setting will only take effect if you also create a custom user function to configure the game to start in fullscreen or windowed mode (if the game supports it). This is done by implementing either the SetFullscreenPostLaunch or SetFullscreenPreLaunch functions in the Game User Functions script file for this specific game.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="FadeTitle" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>This is the Window Title &amp; Class of your application. To find the Title/Class, click the button to the right of this field to launch a script that copies the active window's title and class to your clipboard. You can also use the AutoIt3 Window Spy utility installed with AutoHotKey or my utility @;id=7</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="FadeTitleWaitTillActive" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to false if you don't want the fade title to wait until the window becomes active. This is set to true by default, but some specific loaders might require this to be set to false instead, like Game Loader All for Taito Type X games.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="FadeTitleTimeout" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Amount of seconds to wait for the FadeTitle window to appear before exiting with a timeout. This is set to 30 seconds by default, if the game takes too long to start then you should increase this value.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="FadeInExitSleep" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This is needed for some applications that may start, but not appear, ending FadeInExit prematurely. It keeps the fade screen up for the defined length.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="DXWndGame" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if this game should be launched with DXWnd to run in windowed mode. It is your responsibility to make sure this game is already configured in DXWnd software (in the Module Extensions folder). You also need to make sure the game works with DXWnd first.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="DXWndMaximizeWindow" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to Keep Aspect Ratio or Stretch Window if you want the game's window to be maximized to fill your screen, set false otherwise. This is only applicable if you also set the DXWndGame setting to true.</DESCRIPTION>


<VALUE description="Keep Aspect Ratio">aspect</VALUE>

<VALUE description="Stretch Window">stretch</VALUE>

<VALUE description="False">false</VALUE>



<KEY name="HideConsole" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if you want to hide the DOS console when launching bat files. This will only be applicable if your ApplicationPath is pointing to a file with .bat extension.</DESCRIPTION>






<INIFILE name="%SystemName%" required="false">



<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="true">



<GROUP name="Application"/>

<GROUP name="Pre/Post Launch"/>

<GROUP name="Bezel"/>

<GROUP name="Misc"/>



<KEY name="Application" group="Application" required="true" nullable="false">



<DESCRIPTION>The directory and executable, batch, or shortcut (lnk file) to your application. (this must end with the applications 3-letter extension). If an exe on an image is defined here, the image defined below will be mounted with your Virtual Drive first then this exe will be ran. If no exact path to the exe is defined, it will assume it is found on the root folder of the mounted image. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="AppWaitExe" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This will be the exe, if different then the Application, that you want the script to wait to close. This would be needed if launching a bat file, which in turn launches another exe, where the exe is the game. Leave this blank if the module works fine with the exe from the Application key.</DESCRIPTION>





<KEY name="WorkingFolder" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>Mostly for GoG games, allows you to set a different working directory then the default directory (the one Application exists in).</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="DiscImage" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>Path to a disc image (ccd,cdi,cue,iso,isz,nrg) if required by a game, usually for a cd check. Only fill this key if a cd/dvd image is required by your game.</DESCRIPTION>











<KEY name="Parameters" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your application.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="ExitMethod" group="Application" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Define an alternate way to exit your Application in case it doesn't close with your Front End's exit keys using the default WinClose. WinClose methods are suggested as they will cleanly close a window, whereas Process methods force close it (many apps do not like to be force closed). Alt+F4 is an app-friendly method also, but some applications will disable this. InGame will disable any RL exit keys and you must exit through the ingame menus. Choose the one that works best for your scenario. WARNING, before enabling Fade_Out on exit, make sure you test your ExitMethod first, otherwise you might get a blank screen while game never closed.</DESCRIPTION>


<VALUE>WinClose Application</VALUE>

<VALUE>WinClose AppWaitExe</VALUE>

<VALUE>Process Close Application</VALUE>

<VALUE>Process Close AppWaitExe</VALUE>

<VALUE>Send Alt+F4</VALUE>




<KEY name="SteamID" group="Application" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>If you are launching a steam game, provide the ID of the game here. This will turn on steam mode if not blank. Steam only understands AppIDs for games, not rom names. See here for more info on finding a steam ID for your game:</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="OriginGame" group="Application" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if this game uses the Origin service. If true, it will automatically login to Origin so you do not get stuck at a login prompt while loading.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PreLaunch" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>This can be used to run another application before launching the Application. This will usually be blank. Can be a relative or absolute path, and include any parameters on this one line. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostLaunch" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>This can be used to run another application after the Application has launched, but before the module waits for it to close. This will usually be blank. Can be a relative or absolute path, and include any parameters on this one line. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostExit" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>This can be used to run another application after the Application has closed. This will usually be blank. Can be a relative or absolute path, and include any parameters on this one line. Can also be a URL or Steam Browser Protocol.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PreLaunchParameters" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your PreLaunch application.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PreLaunchMode" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>This allows you to control wether the PreLaunch application will pause RocketLauncher from continuing until it closes (runwait) or continue running even though the PreLaunch application may still be running. Utilize the PreLaunchSleep to pause RocketLauncher a certain amount of time when using "run" mode only. Default is Run.</DESCRIPTION>






<KEY name="PreLaunchSleep" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>If you need the script to wait after launching your PreLaunch app for a set amount of time, put that here (1000=1 second). Only applies if PreLaunchMode is set to "run" or "default".</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostLaunchParameters" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your PostLaunch application.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostLaunchSleep" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>If you need the script to wait after launching your PostLaunch app for a set amount of time, put that here (1000=1 second).</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostExitParameters" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This can be any number of parameters that you want to supply to your PostLaunch application.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="PostExitSleep" group="Pre/Post Launch" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>If you need the script to wait after launching your PostLaunch app for a set amount of time, put that here (1000=1 second).</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelTopOffset" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set top offset for bezel in pixels</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelBottomOffset" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set bottom offset for bezel in pixels</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelLeftOffset" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set right offset for bezel in pixels</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelRightOffset" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set left offset for bezel in pixels</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="BezelFixedResMode" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if the game requires fixed resolution bezel mode. Do this if the game window cannot be resized</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideWindowTitleBar" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to false if the title bar of the game's window should not be hidden. Defaults to true</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideWindowBorder" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to false if the border of the game's window should not be hidden. Defaults to true</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideWindowMenuBar" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to false if the menu bar of the game's window should not be hidden. Defaults to true</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideWindowBorderFirst" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if the this game requires that its border is hidden before the title bar. Defaults to false, only change this setting if you aren't able to hide the border or title bar of the game's window</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HideDecoratorsAfterWindowMove" group="Bezel" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if the this game requires that the window decorators are hidden only after the window being moved/resized. Defaults to false, only change this setting if you aren't able to hide the border or title bar of the game's window. What normally happens is that the border/title of the window will become visible again anytime the window is moved or resized.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Fullscreen" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Fullscreen. This setting will only take effect if you also create a custom user function to configure the game to start in fullscreen or windowed mode (if the game supports it). This is done by implementing either the SetFullscreenPostLaunch or SetFullscreenPreLaunch functions in the Game User Functions script file for this specific game.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="FadeTitle" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>This is the Window Title &amp; Class of your application. To find the Title/Class, click the button to the right of this field to launch a script that copies the active window's title and class to your clipboard. You can also use the AutoIt3 Window Spy utility installed with AutoHotKey or my utility @;id=7</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="FadeTitleWaitTillActive" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to false if you don't want the fade title to wait until the window becomes active. This is set to true by default, but some specific loaders might require this to be set to false instead, like Game Loader All for Taito Type X games.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="FadeTitleTimeout" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Amount of seconds to wait for the FadeTitle window to appear before exiting with a timeout. This is set to 30 seconds by default, if the game takes too long to start then you should increase this value.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="FadeInExitSleep" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>This is needed for some applications that may start, but not appear, ending FadeInExit prematurely. It keeps the fade screen up for the defined length.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="DXWndGame" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if this game should be launched with DXWnd to run in windowed mode. It is your responsibility to make sure this game is already configured in DXWnd software (in the Module Extensions folder). You also need to make sure the game works with DXWnd first.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="DXWndMaximizeWindow" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to Keep Aspect Ratio or Stretch Window if you want the game's window to be maximized to fill your screen, set false otherwise. This is only applicable if you also set the DXWndGame setting to true.</DESCRIPTION>


<VALUE description="Keep Aspect Ratio">aspect</VALUE>

<VALUE description="Stretch Window">stretch</VALUE>

<VALUE description="False">false</VALUE>



<KEY name="HideConsole" group="Misc" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if you want to hide the DOS console when launching bat files. This will only be applicable if your ApplicationPath is pointing to a file with .bat extension.</DESCRIPTION>








[Singe 2.00]


Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Asterix.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Conan.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Daitarn_3.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Dragon_english.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Fire_and_Ice.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Mononoke.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Platoon.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Puss_in_Boots_english.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Samurai_Jack_english.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Sucker_Punch.bat



Application=E:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Singe 2.00\Titan_AE.bat
