Aamber Pegasus

/3 Matches /3 ROMs

☑️(Complete Media Pack) : https://hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/2...

Add : MESS 0161b_64bit add more ROMs : http://festyy.com/eaEeQ7

Execution of the Aamber Pegasus

4 games are available with this system, emulated under Mess. Once in games to start, press the first letter contained in the title of the game with your keyboard (example for Galaxy Wars & Hangman) the first game in alphabetical order of the list, chose G for Galaxy Wars or H for Hangman, for Invaders typed I and for Tank waited a bit then pressed T

Active UI press Scroll Lo


MEmu := MESS

MEmuV :=  v0.161

MURL := ["http://www.mess.org/"]

MAuthor := ["djvj,faahrev,brolly,Tomkun"]

MVersion := 2.3.5

MCRC := 22EE1B0E

iCRC := F56320E9

MID := 635038268905515239

MSystem := ["Aamber Pegasus"]


; Notes:

; Exit fade will only work correctly if you don't have Esc, the default MESS exit key,  as your exit key. If you use Esc, turn off the ExitScreen

; This module will set your rom paths on the fly via CLI, but you must make sure the RLUI module setting for this module "MESS_BIOS_Path" is correctly set. It defaults to your roms subfolder where mess.exe is found.

; This module assumes you have bios zip in your MESS "roms" directory, which might be different than your actual roms directory, for each system you need this module for. All tested systems listed below

; If MESS has a problem reading the bios zips, try archving them with "no compression"

; This site can help a ton with details for the various systems supported: http://www.progettoemma.net/mess/index.html

; You may get a black screen or MESS may close w/o notice if you do not have a bios rom for your system when one is needed.

; If you use bezel, it is recommended to set the module bezel mode to normal, and go to your mess.ini file, on your emulator folder, and choose these options: artwork_crop 1, use_backdrops 1, use_overlays 1, use_bezels 0 


; Following systems require a BIOS zip with their roms inside, placed in the "Mess\Roms\" directory:





; This object controls how the module reacts to different systems. MESS can play a lot of systems, but needs to know what system you want to run, so this module has to adapt.


( LTrim

Aamber Pegasus|pegasus


mType := Object()

Loop, Parse, mTypeVar, `n, `r


obj := {}

Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, |

If A_Index = 1

obj.System := A_LoopField

Else ; 2

obj.MessID := A_LoopField

mType.Insert(obj["System"], obj)


Log("Module - Finished building the " . MEmu . " object",4)

; For easier use throughout the module

messSystem := mType[systemName].System

messID := mType[systemName].MessID

If !messSystem

ScriptError("Your systemName is: " . systemName . "`nIt is not one of the known supported systems for this " . MEmu . " module.")

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"

Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) ; Set fullscreen mode

messBiosPath := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "MESS_BIOS_Path", emuPath . "\roms",,1)

Videomode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Videomode","d3d",,1) ; Choices are gdi,ddraw,d3d. If left blank, mess uses d3d by default

hlsl := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . messSystem . "|" . romName, "HLSL","false",,1)

glsl := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . messSystem . "|" . romName, "GLSL","false",,1)

bezelMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "BezelMode","layout",,1) ; "layout" or "normal"

UseSoftwareList := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, messSystem, "UseSoftwareList","false",,1)

sysStaticParams := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, messSystem, "StaticParameters", A_Space,,1)

sysParams := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, messSystem, "Parameters", A_Space,,1)

romParams := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Parameters", sysParams,,1)

Artwork_Crop := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, messSystem . "|" . romName, "Artwork_Crop", "true",,1)

Use_Bezels := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, messSystem . "|" . romName, "Use_Bezels", "false",,1)

Use_Overlays := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, messSystem . "|" . romName, "Use_Overlays", "true",,1)

Use_Backdrops := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, messSystem . "|" . romName, "Use_Backdrops", "true",,1)

messBiosPath := GetFullName(messBiosPath)

;Read settings from system name ini file

sysSettingsFile := modulePath . "\" . messSystem . ".ini"

IfExist, %sysSettingsFile% 


romParams := IniReadCheck(sysSettingsFile, romName, "Parameters", romParams,,1)

hlsl := IniReadCheck(sysSettingsFile, romName, "HLSL",hlsl,,1)

glsl := IniReadCheck(sysSettingsFile, romName, "GLSL",glsl,,1)

Artwork_Crop := IniReadCheck(sysSettingsFile, romName, "Artwork_Crop", Artwork_Crop,,1)

Use_Bezels := IniReadCheck(sysSettingsFile, romName, "Use_Bezels", Use_Bezels,,1)

Use_Overlays := IniReadCheck(sysSettingsFile, romName, "Use_Overlays", Use_Overlays,,1)

Use_Backdrops := IniReadCheck(sysSettingsFile, romName, "Use_Backdrops", Use_Backdrops,,1)


artworkCrop := If (Artwork_Crop = "true") ? " -artwork_crop" : " -noartwork_crop"

useBezels := If (Use_Bezels = "true") ? " -use_bezels" : " -nouse_bezels"

useOverlays := If (Use_Overlays = "true") ? " -use_overlays" : " -nouse_overlays"

useBackdrops := If (Use_Backdrops = "true") ? " -use_backdrops" : " -nouse_backdrops"

; Get MESS version from executable, this is needed since some CLI switches are not available in older MESS versions

exeAtrib := FileGetVersionInfo_AW( EmuPath . "\" . executable, "FileVersion|ProductVersion", "|"  )

Loop, Parse, exeAtrib, |%A_Tab%, %A_Space%

 A_Index & 1 ? ( _ := A_LoopField ) : ( %_% := A_LoopField )

If (ProductVersion)

StringRight, MESSVersion, ProductVersion, StrLen(ProductVersion) - 2

Log("Detected MESS Product Version from '" . EmuPath . "\" . executable . "' is " . MESSVersion)

hideEmuObj := Object(dialogOpen . " ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass",0,"ahk_class MAME",1) ;Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later

If bezelEnabled = true


ListXMLtable := []

ListXMLtable := ListXMLInfo(romName)

If (bezelMode = "layout"){


} else { ;bezel mode = normal

useBezels := " -nouse_bezels"   ; force disabling MESS built-in bezels




7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

winstate := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? "Hide UseErrorLevel" : "UseErrorLevel"

fullscreen := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? " -nowindow" : " -window"

If (Videomode = "opengl")


hlsl := " -nohlsl_enable"

If (MESSVersion > 159)

glsl := If glsl = "true" ? " -gl_glsl" : (If glsl = "ini" ? "" : " -nogl_glsl")


glsl := ""




hlsl := If hlsl = "true" ? " -hlsl_enable" : (If hlsl = "ini" ? "" : " -nohlsl_enable")

If (MESSVersion > 159)

glsl := If Videomode = "ini" ? "" : " -nogl_glsl"


glsl := ""

If (Videomode = "ini")

Videomode := ""


videomode := If (Videomode != "" )? " -video " . videomode : ""

param1 := " -cart """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" ; default param1 used for launching most systems.

If romExtension = .txt ; This can be applied to all systems


If messID = apfimag ; APF Imagination Machine

If romExtension != .tap

messID = apfm1000 ; cart games for APF Imagination Machine require a different bios to be loaded

If UseSoftwareList != true

{ ; Now that we know the system we are loading, determine if we use an ini assocated with that system for custom game configs a user might need. Then load the configs associated to that game.

If messID in ti99_4a,aes,apple2gs,electron,mbeeic,odyssey2 ; these systems will use an ini to store game specific settings

{ messSysINI := CheckFileMESS(modulePath . "\" . messSystem . ".ini") ; create the ini if it does not exist

If messID = ti99_4a ; Texas Instruments TI 99-4A

{ mainCart := IniReadCheck(messSysINI, romName, "Main_Cart",A_Space,,1)

basicCart := IniReadCheck(messSysINI, romName, "Basic_Cart","extended_basic.rpk",,1) ; user can specify a rom specific cart instead of the default basic one

expansionLocation := IniReadCheck(messSysINI, romName, "Expansion_Location","extended_basic.rpk",,1)

; Now set the parameters to send to mess

If romExtension = .dsk ; Expansion Disk

; If using the mainCart , send expansionLocation to MESS. This will require DirectInput to be enabled on the MESS build! Else we are loading a Disk game

param1 := " -gromport multi -cart1", param2:=" """ . romPath . "\" . (If mainCart ? (mainCart):(basicCart)) . """", param3:=" -peb:slot2 32kmem -peb:slot3 speech -peb:slot6 tirs232 -peb:slot8 hfdc", param4:=" -flop1", param5:=" """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

Else If romExtension = .rpk ; Cart Game (RPK Format)

param1 := " -gromport single -cart1", param2:=" """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", param3:=" -peb:slot3 speech" ;-cart will also work here

param6 := " -ui_active" ;Enable partial keyboard mode at startup

} Else If messID = aes ; SNK Neo Geo AES

{ biosRegion := IniReadCheck(messSysINI, romName, "BIOS_Region","asia",,1)

param1 := " -bios " . biosRegion ; can also be japan, but the asian one has english menus for most games

param2 := " -rompath """ . "roms;" . romPath . """"

param3 := " -cart " . romName

}Else if messID = apple2gs ; Apple IIGS

{ externalOS := IniReadCheck(messSysINI, romName, "External_OS","false",,1)

2gsSystemFile := "System6.2mg" ;For games without OS included, always force this name and error out if not found

multipartTable := CreateRomTable(multipartTable)

If externalOS = true

{ CheckFile(romPath . "\" . 2gsSystemFile)

param1 := " -flop3", param2:=" """ . romPath . "\" . 2gsSystemFile . """", param3:=" -flop4", param4:=" """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"


param1 := " -flop3", param2:=" """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

If (multipartTable.MaxIndex() > 1)

param3:=" -flop4", param4 := " """ . multipartTable[2,1] . """"


param5 := " -ui_active" ;Enable partial keyboard mode at startup

}Else If messID = electron ; Acorn Electron

{ AutoBootDelay := IniReadCheck(messSysINI, "Settings", "AutoBootDelay","2",,1) ; Read delay from config.

AutoBootDelay := " -autoboot_delay " . AutoBootDelay

If romExtension = .bin

mediaDeviceType := "cart"

Else ; any other format

mediaDeviceType := "cass"

param1 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ -autoboot_command ""chain""""""""""""\n""" . AutoBootDelay . ""

}Else If messID = mbeeic ; Applied Technology MicroBee

{ microbeeModel := IniReadCheck(messSysINI, romName, "MicroBee_Model","mbeeic",,1)

If microbeeModel not in mbee,mbeeic,mbeepc,mbeepc85,mbee56

ScriptError("This is not a known MicroBee model value: " . microbeeModel)

Else If (microbeeModel != "mbeeic")

messID := microbeeModel

If romExtension in .mwb,.com,.bee

mediaDeviceType := "quik1"

Else If romExtension in .wav,.tap

mediaDeviceType := "cass"

Else If romExtension in .rom

mediaDeviceType := "cart"

Else If romExtension in .dsk

mediaDeviceType := "flop1"

Else ; .bin format

mediaDeviceType := "quik2"

param1 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

}Else if messID = odyssey2 ; Magnavox Odyssey 2

param2 := " -ui_active" ;Enable partial keyboard mode at startup

;Use a different bios if needed (This must be done after the above if conditions since the messID will change)

iniBios := IniReadCheck(messSysINI, romName, "Bios",messID,,1) ; for all games, we use the default bios. Some games might require different bios like Odyssey2's Jopac games use the videopac bios instead, which should be defined in the ini

If (iniBios != "")

messID := iniBios ; need to change the bios name for some games


; These systems don't use an ini, but do require parameters to be changed from the default method of launching Mess

If (messID = "neocdz" || messID = "cdimono1" || messID = "segacd" || messID = "psx" || (messID = "tg16" && messSystem = "NEC TurboGrafx-CD") || (messID = "pce" && messSystem = "NEC PC Engine-CD")) ; SNK Neo Geo CD, Philips CD-i, Sega CD, Sony PlayStation, NEC PC Engine-CD or NEC TurboGrafx-CD

{ If romExtension not in .chd,.cue

ScriptError("MESS only supports " . messSystem . " games in chd and cue format. It does not support:`n" . romExtension)

If (messSystem = "NEC TurboGrafx-CD") { ; NEC TurboGrafx-CD needs an additional bios mounted as a cart to run

; tgcdBios := CheckFile(emuPath . "\roms\CD-ROM System V2.01 (U).pce") ; older bios that doesn't seem to work with many games

tgcdBios := CheckFile(emuPath . "\roms\Super CD-ROM2 System V3.01 (U).pce")

param2 := " -cart " . """" . tgcdBios . """"

} Else If (messSystem = "NEC PC Engine-CD") { ; NEC PC Engine-CD needs an additional bios mounted as a cart to run

pcecdBios := CheckFile(emuPath . "\roms\Super CD-ROM2 System V3.0 (J).pce")

param2 := " -cart " . """" . pcecdBios . """"

} Else If (messID = "psx") { ; Sony PlayStation

messID = psu ; changing messID sent to Mess to use the USA bios

; SelectMemCard() ; future function to swap around memcards

; Usage: mc1 "J:\MESS\software\psu\card1.mc" 

} If (messSystem = "Sega CD") {

If InStr(romName,"(Jap") ; Mega CD Japanese v2

messID = megacd2j

Else If InStr(romName,"(Euro") ; Mega CD European (PAL)

messID = megacd


param1 := " -cdrm """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

}Else If messID = gamecom ; Tiger Game.com

{ If romExtension != .txt

param1 := " -cart1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

}Else If messID = genesis ; Sega Genesis

{ If (InStr(romName, "(Europe") || InStr(romName, "(PAL")) ; if rom is from europe, tell MESS to boot a Mega Drive instead

messID = megadriv

}Else If messID = megadriv ; Sega Mega Drive

{ If (InStr(romName, "(USA") || InStr(romName, "(NTSC")) ; if rom is from America, tell MESS to boot a Genesis instead

messID = genesis

}Else If messID = vii ; JungleTac Sport Vii

{   If romName = Built-In Games (China) ;  Has some built-in games, gotta launch just BIOS for it.


}Else If messID = alice32 ; Matra & Hachette Alice

{   If romExtension != .txt

param1 := " -cass1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

}Else If messID = pockstat ; Sony PocketStation

{ If romExtension != .gme

param1 := " -cart1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

}Else If messID = coco3 ; Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer

{   If romExtension != .txt

param1 := " -cart """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

}Else If messID = zx81 ; Sinclair ZX81

{   If romExtension != .txt

param1 := " -cass1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

}Else If messID = sorcerer ; Exidy Sorcerer

{ If romExtension = .snp   ; Snapshot file

param1 := " -dump """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

Else If romExtension = .bin

param1 := " -quik """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

}Else If (messID = "a800" || messID = "fds" || messID = "samcoupe") ; Atari 8-bit, Nintendo Famicom Disk System, and MGT Sam Coupe

{ If romExtension != .txt

param1 := " -flop1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"

}Else If messID = vectrex ; GCE Vectrex

{ If romName = Mine Storm (World) ; Mess dumps an error if you try to launch Mine Storm using a rom instead of just booting vectrex w/o a game in it (Mine Storm is built into vectrex)


}Else If messID = apfm1000 ; APF Imagination Machine/APF M1000

{ If romName = Rocket Patrol (USA) ; Rocket Patrol is built into the APF M1000 ROM.


}Else If messID = adam ; Coleco ADAM

param1 := (If romExtension = ".ddp" ? " -cass1" : " -floppydisk") . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" ;  Decide if disk or ddp game

Else If messID = pegasus ; Aamber Pegasus

{   If romExtension != .txt

param1 := " -cart1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"


}Else{ ; Use Software List

hashname := messID

param1 := " -rompath """ . "roms;" . romPath . """" . A_Space . romName ; param1 used for launching from software lists

If messID = aes ; SNK Neo Geo AES

{ hashname := "neogeo"

param2 := " -bios asia" ; can also be japan, but the asian one has english menus for most games


CheckFile(emuPath . "\hash\" . hashname . ".xml","Could not find a software list for the system " . messID) ;Check if software list for selected system exists


If messID = vectrex ; GCE Vectrex

param2 := " -view "  . (If (FileExist(emuPath . "\artwork\Vectrex\" . romName . ".png"))?("""" . romName . """"):"standard") ; need overlays extracted in the artwork\vectres folder. PNGs must match romName

sysStaticParams := If sysStaticParams != ""  ? A_Space . sysStaticParams : "" ; tacking on a space in case user forgot to add one

romParams := If romParams != ""  ? A_Space . romParams : "" ; tacking on a space in case user forgot to add one

StringReplace,messRomPaths,romPathFromIni,|,`"`;`",1 ; replace all instances of | to ; in the Rom_Path from RL's Emulators.ini so mess knows where to find your roms

messRomPaths := " -rompath """ .  messRomPaths . (If messBiosPath ? ";" . messBiosPath : "") . """" ; if a bios path was supplied, add it into the rom paths sent to mess

If InStr(romParams,"-rompath")

ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . romName . ". The MESS module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")

If InStr(sysStaticParams,"-rompath")

ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . messSystem . ". The MESS module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")

; use a custom cfg file if it exists and append it to param1

IfExist, % emuPath . "\cfg\" . messID . "\" . dbName

param1 := " -cfg_directory " . """" . emuPath . "\cfg\" . messID . "\" . dbName . """" . param1


errLvl := Run(executable . A_Space . messID . param1 . param2 . param3 . param4 . param5 . param6 . messRomPaths . sysStaticParams . romParams . fullscreen . hlsl . glsl . videomode . artworkCrop . useBezels . useOverlays . useBackdrops . " -skip_gameinfo", emuPath, winstate)

If errLvl {

If (errLvl = 1)

Error = Failed Validity

Else If(errLvl = 2)

Error = Missing Files

Else If(errLvl = 3)

Error = Fatal Error

Else If(errLvl = 4)

Error = Device Error

Else If(errLvl = 5)

Error = Game Does Not Exist

Else If(errLvl = 6)

Error = Invalid Config

Else If errLvl in 7,8,9

Error = Identification Error


Error = MESS Error

Log("MESS Error - " . Error,3)


WinWait("ahk_class MAME")

WinWaitActive("ahk_class MAME")


If romName = ICBMromName ; for Bally Astrocade only

{ Sleep, 2000 ; increase if you don't see the title screen


Send, {F3 down}{F3 up} ; sends a reset to MESS, needed for ICBM to boot




Process("WaitClose", executable)





; This will simply create a new blank ini if one does not exist


IfNotExist, %file%

FileAppend,, %file%

Return file


ListXMLInfo(rom){ ; returns MAME/MESS info about parent rom, orientation angle, resolution

Global emuFullPath, emuPath

ListXMLtable := []

Log("Module - RunWait`, " .  comspec . " /c " . """" . emuFullPath . """" . " -listxml " . rom . " > tempBezel.txt`, " . emuPath . "`, Hide")

RunWait, % comspec . " /c " . """" . emuFullPath . """" . " -listxml " . rom . " > tempBezel.txt", %emuPath%, Hide

Fileread, ListxmlContents, %emuPath%\tempBezel.txt

RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<game.*name=" . """" . rom . """" . ".*" . "cloneof=" . """" . "[^""""]*", parent)

RegExMatch(parent,"cloneof=" . """" . ".*", parent)

RegExMatch(parent,"""" . ".*", parent)

StringTrimLeft, parent, parent, 1

RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*rotate=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", angle)

RegExMatch(angle,"[0-9]+", angle, "-6")

RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*width=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", width)

RegExMatch(width,"[0-9]+", width, "-6")

RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*height=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", Height)

RegExMatch(Height,"[0-9]+", Height, "-6")

ListXMLtable[1] := parent

ListXMLtable[2] := angle

ListXMLtable[3] := height

ListXMLtable[4] := width

If (ListXMLtable[3] > ListXMLtable[4])

ListXMLtable[2] := true

FileDelete, %emuPath%\tempBezel.txt

Return ListXMLtable



WinSet, Transparent, 0, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass




WinClose("ahk_class MAME")


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<INIFILE name="%ModuleName%" required="false">



<SECTION name="Settings" required="false">



<KEY name="Fullscreen" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Fullscreen</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="MESS_BIOS_Path" required="false" nullable="true">



<DESCRIPTION>This should point to your BIOS roms required for all system for MESS. Default points to the roms subfolder where your mess.exe is found.</DESCRIPTION>



<KEY name="HLSL" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables HLSL filters globally for all systems using this module. Set to ini if you want to use the setting defined in your MESS ini files.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="GLSL" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables GLSL filters globally for all systems using this module. Only use this if you have Videomode set to opengl. Set to ini if you want to use the setting defined in your MESS ini files. This setting requires MESS 0.160 or higher.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="Videomode" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Choices are gdi,ddraw,d3d,opengl. If left blank, MESS uses d3d by default. Set to ini if you want to use the setting defined in your MAME ini files. If you set this to ini it's highly suggested that you also set both HLSL and GLSL settings to ini.</DESCRIPTION>









<KEY name="BezelMode" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Choices are layout or normal. If left blank, layout will be used by default. "Layout" allows MESS to use it's built-in layout support, where-as "normal" only uses RocketLauncher bezels.</DESCRIPTION>








<SECTION name="%SystemName%" required="false">



<KEY name="StaticParameters" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Add any extra command line parameters for that system. These parameters will be concatenated with any rom specific parameters you might set.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Parameters" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Add any extra command line parameters for that system. These parameters will be overriden by any rom specific parameters you might set.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HLSL" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables HLSL filters for this particular system. Set to ini if you want to use the setting defined in your MESS ini files.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="GLSL" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables GLSL filters for particular. Only use this if you have Videomode set to opengl. Set to ini if you want to use the setting defined in your MESS ini files. This setting requires MESS 0.160 or higher.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="Artwork_Crop" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables cropping of artwork to the game screen area only for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Use_Bezels" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Bezel Image for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Use_Overlays" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Overlay for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Use_Backdrops" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Backdrops for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="UseSoftwareList" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true if you want to launch the game using MESS Software list, if you set this to true MAKE SURE you have a proper rom mapping file that maps your rom names to MESS names. Either that or manually edit the respective software list under MESS\hash to your rom names.</DESCRIPTION>




<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">



<KEY name="Parameters" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Add any extra command line parameters for that game. You can use this to change the controller configured on each slot for instance. Take a look at the SLOT DEVICES section in your MESS.ini file to find out the keys/values to use. For instance on Atari 2600 to change the controller on joyport 1 to the wheel controller, you'd type "-joyport1 wheel" on this setting.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HLSL" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables HLSL filters for this particular game. Set to ini if you want to use the setting defined in your MESS ini files.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="GLSL" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables GLSL filters globally for this particular game. Only use this if you have Videomode set to opengl. Set to ini if you want to use the setting defined in your MESS ini files. This setting requires MESS 0.160 or higher.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="Artwork_Crop" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables cropping of artwork to the game screen area only for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Use_Bezels" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Bezel Image for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Use_Overlays" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Overlay for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Use_Backdrops" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Backdrops for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>






<INIFILE name="Acorn Electron" required="false">




<SECTION name="Settings" required="false">



<KEY name="AutoBootDelay" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Enter the delay in seconds before MESS tries to input the command to boot from the tape. Faster systems should be able to use lower values. Default is 2 seconds.</DESCRIPTION>






<INIFILE name="Texas Instruments TI 99-4A" required="false">




<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">



<KEY name="Main_Cart" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Main_Cart should be used on expansion modules like Adventureland and should contain the name of the main cart required to load the expansion module</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Basic_Cart" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Basic_Cart if you need a different extended basic cart for a specific game use add this entry</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Expansion_Location" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Expansion_Location this is the device where you want to load your expansion module from, typically on disks it's DSK1.* and on tapes CS1.*</DESCRIPTION>






<INIFILE name="Apple IIGS" required="false">




<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">



<KEY name="External_OS" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to true for games without OS included, this game will then always use %romPath%\System6.2mg as its OS</DESCRIPTION>






<INIFILE name="Applied Technology MicroBee" required="false">




<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">



<KEY name="MicroBee_Model" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Set to the model of MicroBee this game was made for.</DESCRIPTION>


<VALUE description="MicroBee 32 IC (default)">mbeeic</VALUE>

<VALUE description="MicroBee 16 Standard">mbee</VALUE>

<VALUE description="MicroBee 32 PC">mbeepc</VALUE>

<VALUE description="MicroBee 32 PC85">mbeepc85</VALUE>

<VALUE description="MicroBee 56">mbee56</VALUE>







<INIFILE name="Magnavox Odyssey 2" required="false">




<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">



<KEY name="Bios" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>for all games, we use the default bios (odyssey2). Some games might require different bios like Odyssey2's Jopac games use the videopac bios instead.</DESCRIPTION>






<INIFILE name="SNK Neo Geo AES" required="false">




<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">



<KEY name="BIOS_Region" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>The region BIOS this rom should use. This can affect the language of the in game menus. Default is Asia.</DESCRIPTION>


<VALUE description="Asia">asia</VALUE>

<VALUE description="Japan">japan</VALUE>







<INIFILE name="%SystemName%" required="false">




<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">



<KEY name="Parameters" required="false" nullable="true">


<DESCRIPTION>Add any extra command line parameters for that game. You can use this to change the controller configured on each slot for instance. Take a look at the SLOT DEVICES section in your MESS.ini file to find out the keys/values to use. For instance on Atari 2600 to change the controller on joyport 1 to the wheel controller, you'd type "-joyport1 wheel" on this setting.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="HLSL" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables HLSL filters for this particular game. Set to ini if you want to use the setting defined in your MESS ini files.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="GLSL" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables GLSL filters globally for this particular game. Only use this if you have Videomode set to opengl. Set to ini if you want to use the setting defined in your MESS ini files. This setting requires MESS 0.160 or higher.</DESCRIPTION>







<KEY name="Artwork_Crop" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables cropping of artwork to the game screen area only for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Use_Bezels" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Bezel Image for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Use_Overlays" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Overlay for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>


<KEY name="Use_Backdrops" required="false" nullable="false">


<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Backdrops for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>
