Apogee BK-01

104 Matches /

Under messui, go to the Options, Directories... tab, under Show directories; ROMs, add by clicking on Insert the folder containing your games and bios, the detection is carried out

Put the apogee.zip from the ROMs subfolder apogee in the hash folder

Modify this line of the following module }Else If messID = apogee ; Apogee BK-01 { If romExtension != .rka param1 := " -cass """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" 

In play Enter I

Press Scroll Lock (Fn and K)

Press TAB 

Play Tape Control 

Press TAB

Delete character in the screen                                                                       

Enter G

☑️(Complete Media Pack) :

https://hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/2... or : http://destyy.com/eddG8V

💾 add more ROMs : http://destyy.com/eazD5c