AZA Officer responsibilities

For all positions, the following are unofficial-official Responsibilities of a member of the regional board of CRW AZA:

Responsibilities of each position of the regional board, according to the constitution (CRW AZA Constitution, Article X, Section 2):

Regional Aleph Godol:

1. Shall preside at all Regional Business Meetings, Regional Conventions, and Regional Executive Committee Meetings. 

2. Shall be an ex-officio member of all Regional committees. 

3. Shall be responsible for the well functioning of Central Region West A.Z.A 

4. Shall represent Central Region West A.Z.A as an automatic delegate to the International Convention and any executive meetings. 

5. Shall deliver a Mid-State and State of the Region Address to the Convention Body. 

6. Shall be the official youth spokesman and representative of Central Region West Aleph Zadik Aleph. 

7. Shall represent Central Region West A.Z.A as a voting member of the Central Region West Adult Advisory Board. 

8. Shall be responsible for counting the ballots at the Regional Elections. a) If the Regional Aleph Godol is caucusing for any other Regional Position other than Regional Aleph Kohan Godol the duty of counting the ballots shall be passed down to the Regional Aleph S’gan. 

9. The Regional Aleph Godol shall be able to appoint and eliminate* the necessary committee(s) or chairmen to carry out the decisions of Central Region West AZA. He shall help to coordinate the work of all such committees. *(A majority vote of the Regional Board will be required in order to eliminate a standing committee(s) or chairmen that are not appointed by the AZA Regional Board) 

10. Shall, through his office, spread and uphold the Seven Cardinal Principles of AZA. 

11. The Regional Aleph Godol shall act as the liaison between CRW AZA and the following: CRW BBG, the International Order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph, and Regional Staff. 

12. Shall take on the ceremonial duties of the Regional Aleph Godol, as well as any other duties necessary for the well functioning of Central Region West AZA #45 and his office.

13. Correspond with the BBG Regional Counterpart

Regional Aleph S’gan:

2. Shall be responsible for Five-Fold and Full programming for Central Region West AZA 

3. Shall oversee the implementation of Movement-wide programmatic initiatives on the Regional and Chapter levels. 

4. Shall take on the duties of the Regional Aleph Godol in his absence. 

5. Shall take on the office of the Regional Aleph Godol upon his resignation or impeachment until a special election has been held to elect a new Regional Aleph Godol. 

6. Shall coordinate the work of all the Regional Standing Chairmen, including the application process. 

7. Shall be an ex-officio member of all Regional committees. 

8. Shall have the responsibility of planning conventions in the Fall and Spring. 

9. Shall with the Regional Staff and/or his/her representative make sure chapter’s events are cleared and in accordance with the policies of Central Region West BBYO 

10. Shall institute either a Regional event or encourage chapters to plan simultaneous Programs.

11. Shall take on the ceremonial duties of the Regional Aleph S’gan, as well as any other duties that the Regional Aleph Godol may impose on him, as found necessary and appropriate.

12. Correspond with the BBG Regional Counterpart

Regional Aleph Moreh:

1. Shall coordinate and supervise all work involving Regional Recruitment (including Registration) and Retention. 

2. Shall coordinate Regional inductions. 

3. Shall develop strategies for, assist chapter counterparts with, and personally push regional and chapter-level recruitment 

4. Shall be responsible for overseeing the development of new chapters

5. Shall be responsible for the up keeping of regional history and traditions 

6. Shall take on the ceremonial duties of the Regional Aleph Moreh, as well as any other duties that the Regional Aleph Godol may impose on him, as found necessary and appropriate.

7. Shall create an appealing atmosphere for and organize outreach towards New and Prospective Members at all regional events, including conventions. 

8. Shall be an ex-officio member of all regional recruitment, retention, and education committees

9. Shall uphold and push fraternity.

10. Correspond with the BBG Regional Counterpart

Regional Aleph Mazkir:

1. Shall take the minutes at all Regional Business Meetings, Regional Executive Committee meetings, and any other occasion that the Regional Aleph Godol deems necessary. 

2. Shall send copies of the Minutes to the members of the Regional Executive Committee, the Regional Staff, The Grand Aleph Mazkir, and the Grand Aleph Godol. 

3. Shall be responsible for keeping the Constitution of Central Region West AZA up to date (including remitting a list of motions passed during his term to the constitution). 

4. Shall file all correspondence and records in the Regional Office pertaining to the Aleph Zadik Aleph. 

5. Shall be responsible for all publications from Central Region West.

7. Shall be responsible for the inter-chapter and regional communication through the regional website 

9. Shall take on the ceremonial duties of the Regional Aleph Mazkir, as well as any other duties that the Regional Aleph Godol may impose on him, as deemed necessary and appropriate.

10. Shall work to keep up attendance at regional events.

11. Shall inform Alephs about BBYO summer programs, push them to attend, and help them through the process.

12. Shall work with counterparts, including the corresponding positions of Aleph Corresponding Mazkir and Aleph Recording Mazkir

13. Shall support or create a system to support all chapter positions not explicitly assigned to a Regional counterpart.

14. Correspond with the BBG Regional Counterpart.

Regional Aleph Shomer:

Regional Aleph Shaliach:

1. Shall promote social action and community service initiatives and programming throughout the region. 

2. Shall be a resource in planning the Kallah convention.

3. Shall serve as a liaison for AZA to any and all community service organizations. 

4. Shall work closely with the Regional Aleph S’gan, Regional Aleph Shomer and Jewish Affiliated Regional Chairmen to institute either a Regional event or encourage chapters to plan simultaneous Programs. 

5. Shall take on the ceremonial duties of the Regional Aleph Shaliach, as well as any other duties that the Regional Aleph Godol may impose on him, as found necessary and appropriate. 

6. Shall work with chapter counterparts.

7. Correspond with the BBG Regional Counterparts

Regional Aleph Gizbor:

1. Shall be responsible for the education and collection of all funds contributed to the International Service Fund (I.S.F). 

2. Shall be responsible for the planning of Regional Fundraisers 

3. Shall be responsible for raising regional revenue, in order to allow for scholarships to regional conventions and IC for the regional body. 

4. Shall take on the ceremonial duties of the Regional Aleph Gizbor, as well as any other duties that the Regional Aleph Godol may impose on him, as found necessary and appropriate.

5. Shall work with counterparts to ensure proper chapter funds

6. Correspond with the BBG Regional Counterpart, the Regional Gizborit.