Assignments + Grade Details

Overall Grade


  • 30% | Expected Reading, Lab, and/or Field Work
  • 30% | Expected Meetings
  • 40% | Expected Work Products

Your grades will be kept up to date in the D2L course in the Grades tool and your current final grade will be available there (A-E). Once you review the Grades tool in our D2L class please let me know if you have any questions.

Grading Scale

Class participation assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of 0 to 2+.

This scale mimics assessments that managers and leaders conduct when evaluating their followers' work in organizations. At work it generally only matters if you got the work done, and if you did it poorly or well.

  • 0 = Did not complete, is plagiarized, is off topic/gibberish, or is late.
  • 1 = Incomplete or below standard work.
  • 2 = Meets requirements.
  • 3 = (This is rarely awarded.) Exceeds expectations and intense effort demonstrated.

Required: APA Style for Citations Only

All papers, discussion posts, etc. in this course must use APA style for both in-text citations and your references pages only (not for the general style or text of your written work) - please see the Documentation of Sources page for more detailed information on plagiarism and APA style. Note: If you are found to have plagiarized in this course or submitted unoriginal work then you will receive a zero for the assignment - no exceptions. TurnItIn is used in this course throughout the Dropbox to detect plagiarism.

Extra Credit = OCBs

If you are not sure what an OCB is, it’s an acronym that stands for Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. In normal speak behaviors become OCB's when someone goes above and beyond in a helpful way that benefits the organization (our class) and contributes to effectiveness. There are several ways to earn these which are noted in the class when they are available.

  • Points Possible: For each OCB documented you can receive Extra Credit. (This can count for up to 10% of your Participation grade - and the Participation category points can overflow to influence your final grade... if you just choose to over-perform like a boss.)

Some other options for OCB's are to... submit any/all of the following to the OCB Assignments Dropbox:

  1. Help another student in the Virtual Office discussion (if you provide the helpful answer, copy that and turn it in)
  2. Submit corrections or ways to clarify the course if you find any mistakes or less well written instructions.

Finally, here are two other great ideas you might want to start thinking about now as they require a bit of planning to complete work early... You’ll receive LOTS of extra credit if you turn in proof* with any writing assignments of...

  • ...Reviewing a classmate’s assignment and providing constructive criticism OR
  • ...Having your paper reviewed by someone in the Think Tank or at the Writing Skills Improvement Program and addressing mistakes or issues that were pointed out in your first draft (you can track changes in Word to show this).

*Proof can be screenshots of Think Tank tutoring sessions you attended, or a draft with Tracked Changes, or a link to a Google Document that I can view which you worked on with someone else, etc. It just has to document and show proof of the process.