Physical Science
Subject Head / Vakhoof
S. Prinsloo
This subject consists of a theoretical component and a practical component
Hierdie vak bestaan uit 'n teoretiese en 'n praktiese komponent
Content / Inhoud
Practical component / Praktiese komponent
Practical component
During the academic year 3 formal practicals must be done for assessment, each of about 50 marks. This includes Physics as well as Chemistry. Informal practicals will also be done to assist understanding of the subject.
Praktiese komponent
Gedurende die akademiese jaar sal 3 formele praktiese ondersoeke, van ongeveer 50 punte elk, vir assessering gedoen word. Hierdie ondersoeke sluit Fisika sowel as Chemie in.
Theoretical component / Teoretiese komponent
Theory / Teorie
50 % is Physics: including motion, magnetism, electric circuits and many more topics about Physics.
The final exam will be a 3 hour paper of 150 marks on Physics.
50% is Fisika wat beweging, magnetisme, elektriese stroombane en nog baie ander onderwerpe in Fisika insluit.
Die finale eksamen sal 'n 3 uur vraestel van 150 punte oor Fisika wees.
50% is Chemistry which includes the understanding of chemical reactions, the results and application of it.
The final exam will be a 3 hour paper of 150 marks on Chemistry.
50% is Chemie wat die verstaan van chemiese reaksies, asook die effek en toepassing daarvan, insluit.
Die finale eksamen sal 'n 3 uur vraestel van 150 punte oor Chemie wees.
Subject combination / Vakkombinasies
Mathematics (compulsory to take with Science)
Life Science
Depending on career choice, economical subjects
Wiskunde (verpligtend om saam met Wetenskap te neem)
Afhangende van loopbaankeuse, ekonomiese vakke
Medical doctor
Forensic investigator
Chemical research
Medical research
Mediese dokter
Forensiese ondersoeker
Chemiese navorsing
Mediese navorsing