Lost & Found
Newspapers were for more than just buying or selling goods. In the era before digital technology, lost and found ads in the newspaper were the best means of reaching a broad audience. It seems as though 1821 was a good year to lose items. Dr. Brosnaham, a prominent local citizen, woke up one morning to discover a broken-open trunk in his backyard. The advert offers a reward of $20, equal to almost $500 today. Brosnaham owned the house Andrew Jackson and his wife, Rachel, rented while in town (at the intersection of Palafox and Intendencia). His primary residence was at Gull Point, close to the Bonifay brick yard and today’s Chimney Park on Scenic Highway. To read more about Dr. Brosnaham, visit his info page on 1821 Sampler.
Location in 1821: All Over Town
Location in 2021: Museum Plaza
Source: Pensacola Gazette
Brosnaham House outside of town on Gull Point, pictured in the late 1800s.