Embroidered Burse

Embroidered Burse, 17th century

Current location: Ushaw Historic House, Chapels & Gardens

This textile fragment which has been re-sized to fit the shape of a burse was part of a much larger work, most likely an altar frontal. The central form of the I.H.S surrounded by sun rays indicates its association with the Jesuit Order; after 1580 many English Catholic households housed and protected Jesuit priests. This item was probably made to be used in private chapel. The floral embroidery surrounding the central image also had spiritual meaning. A publication in 1633 by Jesuit priest, Fr Henry Hawkins (1577-1646), set out symbolic meaning of certain flowers and their representation of the virtues of the Virgin Mary.

Hawkins publication Partheneia Sacra (Sacred Virginity), was smuggled into England from the continent and as a result the floral imagery was used by English Catholics as a symbol of their faith.

Images: photography by Ian Leslie.

Artefact Information: copyright The Trustees of Ushaw College

Further reading: Hawkins, Henry, Partheneia Sacra, (Rouen: 1633), https://archive.org/details/partheneiasacrao00hawk/page/n8