UPHS A California 

Early College Model

The Early College Model of Secondary Schooling Explained

UPHS is a 21st century college readiness high school.  At UPHS, students embrace and utilize technology throughout the school day, and their classwork and homework is housed on each teacher’s website.  For example, upon entering UPHS students are taught to use Google documents, and/or Google classroom to complete and submit their work.  All faculty members work daily to bring lessons and experiences to the classroom that will best help students prepare for the academic rigor demanded by college and university systems.  UPHS students attend a school in which their days are spent in classrooms in which an attitude of respect and eagerness for learning is the expectation.  UPHS students are empowered and given voice regarding their own learning and school activities.  For example, students establish their own clubs, and club council. They run their own leadership class, and they understand that if something affecting the UPHS learning and/or social cultures needs to be discussed, they are encouraged to speak up and voice their opinions.  While not every idea or suggested change can be honored, the UPHS staff and faculty willingly work with all students to find or make changes when feasibly possible. 

The staff and faculty describe the unique design of UPHS and the hope that it would become a school where “all students understand the significance of pursuing one’s passion through the courses offered at an institution of higher learning.  An environment where students genuinely believe they can achieve a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s, and/or Ph.D. regardless of their family’s background, economic status, and/or prior learning experiences” (WASC Report, 2014).  Today, UPHS is just that, a family of staff, faculty, parents, and students who all work or attend a high school where the focus remains on learning and college-readiness.  UPHS is a school where students are mentored by all the adults they encounter.  The students are motivated to learn because the campus has solid expectations:  Be college-ready. Be successful in one’s college and high school classes.  Be passionate about one’s own learning.

The development of UPHS, over the course of the last thirteen years, embodies the stated Vision for the school, “UPHS provides students with an opportunity to prepare for college through rigorous academics, to participate in concurrent enrollment in college classes, and to earn a substantial number of college units during the high school years.”  The staff and faculty have worked diligently to create a positive, nurturing environment where UPHS students are truly empowered to become their very best self—personally, socially, emotionally, and most importantly, academically.

Furthermore, UPHS continues to work to meet the Mission of the school, “UPHS will provide opportunities for students to succeed in a rigorous academic curriculum through intensive academic training in preparation for a college path, with an emphasis on academic English, mathematics, science, writing across the curriculum, character development, leadership, community service and civic engagement.”  As stated by the parents, alumni, and UPHS students, it is clear that UPHS, provides innovative, challenging, and relevant academic curriculum that steadfastly helps students gather all of the skills needed to successfully enter a college or university of their choice and thrive in a competitive collegiate course of study, while also offering a tremendously positive school environment during this preparation process.  

UPHS has grown because of a concerted effort by all stakeholders to maintain and support the UPHS Core Values, which guide the faculty’s teaching and all interactions with students.  

The UPHS staff and faculty continue to model curriculum and instruction at University Preparatory High School based on these values:

The staff and faculty believe these core values are the foundation of the student-centered environment created at UPHS.  These Core Values develop self-reliant and successful high school students who are well prepared for college, a career, and/or service to the wider community post high school.  These values help to guide staff and faculty develop programs or make school-wide decisions. Ultimately, the UPHS Core Values continue to be at the heart of decisions regarding the future direction of UPHS, and these values often guide conversations when he UPHS staff and faculty plan, develop, and implement new curriculum or scheduling ideas.

Moreover, UPHS staff and faculty maintain a focus of student success.  As the UPHS staff and faculty work with students on a daily basis, they keep in mind the power of the mentoring because the UPHS staff and faculty understand that mentoring will help UPHS students leave high school and enter the world prepared to handle the various aspects of life they will experience as adults.

The Early College High School Model allows high school students to dual enroll in college classes at the College of the Sequoias.  UPHS students receive both high school and college credit for many of the courses taken at COS.  Moreover, some COS classes fulfill University of California A-G requirements and are transferable to both the University of California and the California State University systems.  The numerous college courses available at UPHS’ partner community college, COS, continue to enrich UPHS students’ educational experience because COS stretches the breadth and depth of courses available to the students.  The college course units earned by UPHS students at COS may also apply toward their high school diploma.  UPHS students have proven to university admission counselors they are not only college ready based on the completion of their A-G Courses; but UPHS students are solid choices for any college or university because they enter the higher education system with both a high school and a college transcript immediately after their high school graduation.  Universities and colleges know UPHS students, like other early college students, are excellent students, who work hard to learn the curriculum the college or university delivers.

The results of this model speak for themselves. As of June 2018, UPHS has had nine students graduate from COS with a total of fourteen Associative of Arts degrees.  In addition, on average, 80-85% of the UPHS students earn a semester grade point average of 3.00 or better.  This success is directly attributed to the time and effort the teachers and staff put into helping students. Students who struggle are immediately identified and directed to the after-school tutoring and study hall program.  This tutoring program is a result of the UPHS Local Control Accountability Plan.  According to the California Dashboard, UPHS has a 100% rate of students graduating from high school. Furthermore, each year UPHS has approximately 95% of the graduating class enrolling in a 2-year or 4-year college or university.   

If you are interested in enrolling your high schooler at UPHS, please call the UPHS Office to learn more information about information nights and how to complete an enrollment packet.