Robotics Team

Arborbotics is not only a club but a team. We are engineers, all contributing our specific skills with a common goal: building a fully functional robot. We take this robot to the FIRST Robotics competition, where we compete and work with other teams all across California, with the goal of having the best robot and strategy. If interested, please make sure to consider the time commitment involved. This extracurricular team requires multiple hours each week, and while this varies, in order to be a participating member, one must be available to complete all required robotics work. We participate in a few community service activities as a team, and these activities will be after school and on weekends. The FIRST Robotics Competition allows a team to work on their robot for only six weeks, which means that during the build season, there will be regular after school and weekend (primarily Saturday) meetings. While Arborbotics requires a large time commitment, it is an extracurricular that encompasses many values and ideas UPHS promotes.