Art 7

Welcome to Art 7!

Welcome to Middle School Art 7! You are in this class for 4 1/2 weeks. During this time, you will complete 4 projects. During this class, you will learn about a variety of art mediums (art tools and materials), techniques, and creativity in composition.

Please click on the lessons in the menu tab above or in the links below to access your assignments and projects you need to complete for credit.

*We may or may not get to ALL of these in any kind of order, so make sure you are paying attention to the lesson at hand being taught in class. Do not attempt to work ahead on your own

Studio Safety and Maintenance Protocol

Animals - Graphite and Wire

2D Mixed Media Still Life Drawing

Color Harmony Painting Composition - Orphism

Drawing Collage


Ceramic Pockets

Upcycled Robots

Styrofoam Cup Carvings

United Junior High School Cycle Course: #495 ART 7Grade Level:4 ½ Weeks Required CyclePurpose: This course is designed to allow students at the junior high level to experience self-satisfaction and self-confidence through creative art experiences.Description: This course deals with an approach to the Elements and Principles of Design. Emphasis is on drawing, design, painting, and crafts. A variety of media is explored as a means of creative expression. Work is directed almost exclusively toward two dimensional art forms.Requirements: Students are evaluated through class participation, completion of in-class projects, assignments, quizzes and tests.Prerequisites: None