Styrofoam Cup Sculpture

Styrofoam Carvings:

This project entails creating intricate and purposeful designs in a styrofoam cup that utilize the Elements and Principles of Space, Balance, Line, Unity, and Value. You will be taking some type of carving tool available to you and eliminating negative space from the cup, leaving behind a positive space that interacts with its surroundings in an interesting and unique manner, including the shadows and highlights when illuminated.

Negative Space

Negative spaces refers to the area of a project that is void of a physical body or structure; the air or empty space around an object. 

In this case, the negative space refers to the cut out designs you will create using an x-acto knife in to the styrofoam walls of your luminary. This way, the light will shine through.

In this example, you can see the spaces eliminates creates a unique design that balances the top and the bottom. The designs coordinate and match with the overall theme and the lines of the styrofoam lead your eye all around the sculpture to create unity. This cup has a type of asymmetry.

Positive Space

Positive space involves the use of physical or illustrated space, with markings on a paper or a literal material that we can see and touch. 

With your luminary, the positive space is the actual styrofoam you will be using to build your structure, plus the pieces you cut out and reassemble in to the cup to create intricate designs.

In this example, you can see the positive space lines lead your eye up from the bottom to the sphere at the top, and within the sphere the lines are balanced to create a full composition. This cup has a type of symmetry.

Here are some of the tools you can use to carve out your designs from the styrofoam cups:

Examples of Styrofoam Cup Carvings... please pay attention to how every bit of the cup is used! Pieces are cut out and then reattached and reassembled to be included in the full finished design. The negative spaces and positive spaces, when illuminated, create an interesting pattern and design on the surface, allowing the light and shadow to be a part of the finished compositional design.


For your project, you will use carving techniques to create a luminary structure that uses negative space cut-outs to enhance the space, illumination of the candle, and design.

You need to submit the following for grading: