Drawing II

Welcome to the Drawing II class!

Click on the lessons below or in the menu tab above to access your assignments and projects you need to complete for credit. 

*We may or may not get to ALL of these in any kind of order, so make sure you are paying attention to the lesson at hand being taught in class. Do not attempt to work ahead on your own

United High School Art Department: #1437/1517 DRAWING IIGrades: 9-12 Elective 1 Semester Credit: 0.5Prerequisites: Drawing I – passing gradePurpose: This course is designed as a continuation of Drawing I to hone and refine their drawings skillsthrough studies such as direct observation, contour, cross-contour, gesture, tone, foreshortening, and perspective. More advanced techniques will be studied, such as two- and three-point perspective, subtractive etching, and conceptual design.Description: This course explores a wide range of drawing media such as pencil/colored pencil, pen and ink, marker, oil/chalk pastel, and charcoal, as well as conceptual design and critique.Requirements: Students will be required to utilize a sketchbook for weekly practice and planning. Grades will be assigned based on originality, technical ability, planning, progress, effort, and class participation.