Painting with Unorthodox Materials

When you think of the word "Unorthodox", we generally think of something that's out of the ordinary or uncommon. It's usually a describe we attach to an act that is considered weird and odd, but we want to talk about it in a nice and congenial way...

In the art room, we THRIVE in the unorthodox! We are always thinking of new ways to do the same old, same old, and sometimes it flops... but sometimes it turns out to be better than we ever expected!

So, when it comes to painting, what are the "orthodox" materials?  Acrylic paint, watercolor paint, paint brushes, palette knives, paper, canvas...

What about an unorthodox material? What can we paint with that's NOT acrylic or watercolor? What tools can we use that are NOT brushes or palette knives? What surfaces can we paint on that are NOT canvases or paper?  Think about it...

Use the sidewalk!

Art Club Chalk the Walk messages

Or a t-shirt

T-Shirt print by Mrs. Shinsky, 2020

Paint on a wall or a board

Example of surreal work by Mrs. Shinsky on the dry erase whiteboard, 2020

Painting on tape!

Tape Person by Nevaeh Martin, UHS Grad of 2020

Ever paint on a trash can?

Art Club collaborative painting 2019

Tempera paint on a door window

Painting by Madelyn (6) and Elliot (3) Shinsky, 2020

Use a manakin

Painted Manakin by Heather Hershberger, UHS Grad of 2019

Silk scarves with ink

6th grade examples, 2016

What about with acrylic paint using your fingers?

Jar painting by Hannah Detwiler, UHS Grad of 2020


Excited to try something new yet? Here's your assignment: to select either using unorthodox materials (rather than brushes or palette knives) OR unorthodox surfaces (no canvases or paper) and create a painting with an aesthetically pleasing composition. The composition and concept can be up to you: it can be abstract, non-objective, realistic, or anywhere in between. The style is up to you, as well. 

**If you select unorthodox surfaces, you can use acrylic or watercolor paints...

**If you select unorthodox materials, you can use canvas or paper...

Before you begin, you must submit your sketches and your ideas to me first so I can assist with any suggestions and guidance on how to proceed, especially if special materials are required for the surface you chose... for example, painting on a silk scarf is very different than painting on a trash can, and painting with your fingers is very different than painting with a sponge.

PA State Academic Standards:9.1.12.A-K  9.2.12D,I,K,L      9.3.12.A,C,E,D        9.4.12. A-D