Upcycled Robots

What is Upcycling?

Upcycled Art is the idea of creating an art piece with materials and tools you find around you that may have been discarded or neglected, or even thought of as something that isn't a traditional material for making art. Not to be confused with REcycling, which is taking discarded junk and disposing of it correctly. UPcycling simply means to take junk and to turn it into something new! Like Art!

This image is a list of several found materials you see laying around, but it is definitely not the ONLY list of materials you are permitted to use.

Consider the most outrageous materials you can think of for an art project you normally wouldn't use. Think about the textures... the colors... the lines... Think about the purpose or the function of that material: is it there to be an emphasis? A base of support? Texture? A joint to a moveable and kinetic piece? What about the size of the finished product? The function of the whole thing?


Your task for this project is to take found materials from around your house or the art room, use, manipulate, and upcycle them to create a robotic creature from another time and place! Now, that does not mean the future... what about the past? Maybe it's a robot from the past 100 years ago. It could be from the future, but it does not have to be. 

Things to consider:

Featured Artist: Robin Davis

Robin Davis is an upcycling artist that focuses on using and upcycling rusted and beaten down "treasures" and turns them into magical creations like SteamPunk and Retro robots. She has a series of minibots that are as small as your hand, as well. Davis began her career as a children's book illustrator and an art licenser, but she has since turned to her mechanical 3D creatures.

Please click the button below to be taken to her workshop to view her wondrous, friendly, and upcycled robotic friends!


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