
Who we are

Jeff McAdams, Engineering and Open Education Librarian, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Jeanne Hoover, Head of Scholarly Communication, East Carolina University, USA

Why this project

We feel that open pedagogy projects have a lot of unnoticed value.  When students engage in open processes, there are many learning outcomes involving writing, copyright, group leadership, critical thinking, peer reviewing, etc.  We are attempting to formally define and link these outcomes to existing example projects.  We hope this resource will be helpful to educators as they build open pedagogy projects.

How to use this project

If you are an instructor contemplating an open pedagogy project for your course, please browse and identify learning outcomes you would like to include.  The learning outcomes listed are not fully described using the SMART framework.  If you choose to use these, please consider rewording them using the SMART framework as it best applies to your needs.  We think that by using these learning outcomes in your project descriptions, students will better understand their expectations and the importance of these (often invisible) skills.   

Please contribute!

If you have publicly documented open project examples and/or more learning outcomes to add and link to this site, please let us know by using this template.  We will add it promptly.

Open Pedagogy Learning Outcomes Submission Form