Progress Steps

Welcome to the Progress Steps page where you can learn about this new pilot feature introduced in 2024. More coming soon!

What are Progress Steps?

MN GreenStep Schools hosts the Progress Steps Dashboard to showcase green school work across Minnesota. Anyone can share a short summary of their green school progress. The progress step summaries are tagged by types of actions to help everyone search and filter for topics of interest to them. 

Explore the dashboard below to see what green school progress has been shared so far. Then consider sharing your own Progress Steps! 

> Recommended for best viewing: Open Progress Steps Dashboard in a new tab

If your school or district is listed and you want to make corrections or updates, contact MN GreenStep Schools. 

How to use the Progress Steps Dashboard
Watch the 2 minute Video Tour

Share your green school Progress Steps!

Using the form below, please share short posts to contribute your big or small green school accomplishments, and tag them for location and type. Progress Step posts will appear on a map on the Minnesota GreenStep Schools Progress Steps Dashboard!

By participating, you become a Friend of MN GreenStep Schools. Your school doesn't need to be awarded in the program. Anyone--a parent, community member, teacher, or student--can share accomplishments!

Why? By sharing your green school Progress Steps, we can all be inspired by each other and show that Minnesota cares about green schools and takes action to make progress.

Thank you for sharing your story!

About the Pilot Version

The pilot version is building basic capabilities. Not all features are active. As the website is developed, anticipate greater functionality. If you have any comments on the website, please contact, including the name of the page in the email subject line, and your comment or question in the email body. See the Online Versions Page to track updates.