Program Development
Development History:
The development of the MN GreenStep Schools program started in 2013, when people interested in green schools at the MN Pollution Control Agency, the University of Minnesota, and a number of other organizations identified a need and began to seek funding. An Environmental Assistance grant funded by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency resulted in Phase 1 development and a guiding framework. Other funding proposals were sought as the group expanded its network of interest. Phase 2 started in 2018 funded by another grant provided by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Phase 2 further developed details of the program concept and elements and launched Pilot Version 1.0 in January of 2020. In addition to funding, the program has benefited from the generosity and in-kind time of many advisors over the years.
The team is seeking funding to support development of program features and functionality, to pilot exemplary best practices in districts and schools and to expand program support.
Learn more about the program development in the following pages
Pilot Version 1.0 Online Program Versions