Strategic Planning
MN GreenStep Schools has been working on a strategic plan in conjunction with the other MN GreenStep Programs. This page shares that progress, and related reference documents.
MN GreenStep Schools program - funding bills currently in progress
To address the need of schools and districts, two companion bills have been put forth for appropriations to fund the MN GreenStep Schools program so it can move from a limited pilot with interim funding to a full program. Here are background documents on the bills which are currently in progress.
MN GreeenStep Schools Bills Background Sheet, updated 3/8/23
MN GreenStep Schools Interest Summary Sheet, as of Nov. 2022
Students Support Letter, Roseville Area High School Students for Climate Action (Also in hearing packet)
Additional expressions of support and support letters from AIA MN, Willdan, Institute on the Environment, and Minnesota Design Center are included in the hearing packet.
Bill Links
MN GreenStep Schools as part of the larger MN GreenStep Programs Strategic planning
View the GreenStep Programs strategic planning documents (and check back for updates).
Note that the GreenStep Schools bills as introduced above, would fulfill the Level 1B part of the Strategic planning scenario as described in the 2 pager.
Green Step Into the Future Report (links to latest online version)
GreenStep Into the Future Report - 2-Pager (links to latest online version)