Pilot Versions
Minnesota GreenStep Schools Pilot Launch
Use the current Pilot Version for:
Schools and Districts to Join and achieve Step 1 Level Recognition and higher
Resource Organizations to Join
MN GreenStep Schools Green Clubs - for any new or existing student clubs that work on any or all parts of MN GreenStep Schools best practices.
Sign up to express your interest on our interest map and get on our mailing list See the Interest Map
About the Pilot Version
The Pilot Version 1.0 was released January 16th, 2020
The pilot version is building basic capabilities. Not all features are active. As the website is developed, anticipate greater functionality and addition of more Best Practice Pages and Best Practice Action details. Note that even if a best practice page is not developed, you can work on actions in that category. If you have any comments on the website, please submit your feedback in this form, or alternately contact mngreenstepsch@umn.edu, including the name of the page in the email subject line, and your comment or question in the email body. As significant updates are made, they will be listed below.
These are the substantial updates since the January 16, 2020 release including the activation of pages and features not in the initial release. Listed below are updates to the functioning and documentation of the program. Not included are news updates, changing project promotional elements, or status updates on which organizations have expressed interest, joined, or advanced in recognition.
Update 1/21/20
Outcome Area Pages added for each of the four outcome areas, link-able from the main Best Practices page or the Drop down menu
Best Practice Pages added for "BP 0.1 Green Team" and "BP 0.2 GreenStep Schools Resolution" link-able from the main Best Practices page or the Organizational Leadership Outcome Area Page.
Update 2/21/20
Top Menu structure and hierarchy changes include making Best Practices show up on the top menu, and rearrangin the order of top menu items.
Clarifications to the Overall process for districts and schools to take. (Districts and Schools Page)
Update 3/11/2020
Editorial and language refinements.
BP 1.5 Water Efficiency page is complete, and has a downloadable datasheet.
Update 7/20/2020
A prompt for describing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practices has been added to the Step 1 Form and the Project Story Form
The following online Resources for BP 0.2 GreenStep School Resolution have been added
bp0.2 Resolution Preparation Guidance and Resources
MN GreenStep Schools Summary Slide Deck Template (Powerpoint as of 7/20/20)
MN GreenStep Schools Executive Summary (2 pages, as of 7/20/20)
bp0.2 Sample school board resolution to participate in Minnesota GreenStep Schools
bp0.2 School Participation Commitment Template
Update 3/17/2021
BP 1.2 Renewable Energy has been renamed to BP 1.2 Clean Energy
BP 1.2 Clean Energy page has been added
Update 1/31/2022
BP 1.3 Waste Reduction page with actions and resources has been added
Update 4/22/2022
Added a new best practice: "BP 1.12 Climate Mitigation and Planning: District/School has assessed their greenhouse gas emissions, planned for their reduction, and is taking action toward that goal." (Best Practice page is in progress)
Update 3/16/2022
Added a page for BP1.1 Energy Efficiency, which is in process, but includes the contact information for an advisor for more information, and a listing of some energy educational resources.
Added energy educational resources to BP1.2 Clean Energy
Update 10/9/23
Changed language under BP1.2 Section C from referencing fuel switching to referencing electrification
Changed the title of BP 3.6 from Community Engagement to Community Partnerships to better reflect what it includes and better differentiate it from BP 3.5
Update 10/26/23
Best Practices 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 were expanded and updated
Update 1/9/24
The Progress Steps program feature was added
Updated 1/26/24
The GreenStep Green Clubs or MN GreenStep Green Clubs participation type was renamed and simplified to "GreenStep Clubs"
"Step 1 Level" recognition and the description of how to become a "Step 1" school was changed to reflect language updates from "Step 1 Level Recognition" to "GreenStep 1 award."