Team and Steering
The Team that enables MN GreenStep Schools to exist and improve over time includes funders, program leaders and staff, a steering committee, and an advisory network. In addition, the participation of districts, schools, individuals, and resource organizations make the program what it is - offering models of leadership to their peers and input to the leadership and design team to improve the program. The people and organizations involved as of Phase 2 are listed below.
Leadership Team
Current Funding: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
The current pilot phase is funded by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
Kristin Mroz, Grant Manager, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Program Development Team: University of Minnesota
MN GreenStep Schools Program Leader:
Jonee Kulman Brigham, Senior Research Fellow, Minnesota Design Center, University of MinnesotaMN GreenStep Schools Strategic Cross-Sector Liaison:
Beth Mercer-Taylor, Co-Program Director of Sustainability Education at Institute on the Environment, University of MinnesotaThe team wishes to also acknowledge the initial MN GreenStep Schools Advisory Group that helped shape the form and direction of the program and the many MN GreenStep Schools Interns that have contributed to the program development.
Steering Committee
The purpose of the Minnesota GreenStep Schools Steering Committee is to help shape the direction of the program at a high level – its governance, outreach strategy, financial model, and more. There are opportunities to engage in more detailed feedback as well, depending on interest. Members represent Minnesota state agencies (Pollution Control, Health, Education and Commerce), school leadership organizations (MASA, MSBA), environmental education entities (YES!) and the University of Minnesota's College of Education, Design Center and the Institute on the Environment (IonE).
MN GreenStep Schools Steering Committee Members
MN GreenStep Schools Program Leader:
Jonee Kulman Brigham, Senior Research Fellow, Minnesota Design Center, University of MinnesotaMN GreenStep Schools Strategic Cross-Sector Liaison:
Beth Mercer-Taylor, Co-Program Director of Sustainability Education at Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota
STEM Education, University of Minnesota
Bhaskar Upadhyay, Professor, Comparative & International Development Education, STEM Education,
College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), Department of Organizational, Leadership, and Policy Development
MN Pollution Control Agency
Kristin Mroz (MN GreenStep Schools MPCA Grant Manager), Co-Director MN GreenStep Cities and Tribal Nations
Kelly Amoth, State Program Administrator
Environmental Quality Board, State of Minnesota
MN Department of Commerce
Mandi Schienebeck, Solar for Schools Program Manager
MN Department of Education
Angela Kolonich, Science Education Specialist, and MN Green Ribbon Schools Contact
MN Department of Public Health
Dan Tranter, Supervisor, Indoor Air Unit
Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA)
Deb Henton, Executive Director
Minnesota School Boards Association
Kirk Schneidawind, Executive Director
Joel Stencel, Director of Association Finance
Youth Eco Solutions (YES!)
Kalley Pratt, Director
Minnesota Association of Environmental Education
Jess Paulson, MAEE Board Member
Youth / GreenStep Schools Green Clubs
Chiara Carignan, Roseville Area High School Students for Climate Action
Advisory Network
The Advisory Network represent a variety of sectors, roles, and specializations who contribute their experience and expertise to help inform the program.