
Welcome to the Process Page where you can read a summary of the process, and find links to specific process instructions and forms for different types of participants.

Participation Process Overview

The focus of Minnesota GreenStep Schools is institutional participation of school districts and individual schools, both of which can receive recognition through the program. But the program also offers participation for individuals who work on school greening activities as “Green Step Team Members,” and “GreenStep Resource Organizations” such as non-profits, businesses, and other groups wishing to support the efforts of districts and schools with information, materials, time, or financial support. 

Districts & Schools Process

Individual Process

Resource Organization Process

GreenStep Club Process

About the Pilot Version

The pilot version is building basic capabilities. Not all features are active. As the website is developed, anticipate greater functionality. If you have any comments on the website, please contact, including the name of the page in the email subject line, and your comment or question in the email body. See the Online Versions Page to track updates.