MN Solar Schools Blitz

MN Solar Schools Blitz!
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The MN Solar Schools Blitz is our new statewide youth activity started Fall 2021. Like a bio-blitz, the MN Solar Schools  Blitz  is an intensive period of time to learn about the natural systems in a specific place. While a bio-blitz usually focuses on identifying species in an event that may span days, our MN Solar Schools Blitz! will identify the annual solar energy potential of schools throughout the state. Starting Fall 2021, youth in high school or younger, are invited to explore the sun's potential energy generating benefits at their school - on the roof, or on the ground. Guidance is provided and the results will be compiled on a statewide map. 

...And NOW is a good time to dig into solar learning and plans with the launch of the MN Solar for Schools Grant Program! Link to Program Website at the MN Department of Commerce

Continue reading to learn more about the MN Solar Schools Blitz.

About the MN Solar Schools Blitz

Image and Text from CERTS

The Importance of a Vision

As the cost of renewable energy is dropping, and the urgency of climate action is increasing, it is a good time to think big. Even if projects are built step by step, it is nice to know what is possible. How much sun is falling on your school grounds? How much electricity could that free energy from the sky generate? How much money could your school save, and how much greenhouse gas emissions could be avoided? ... And what about the learning potential for students as they prepare for trades and professions in the growing green energy economy? 

The importance of considering what is possible, is behind MN GreenStep Schools Best Practice Action D.4 Vision Backcasting, which is part of the Clean Energy Best Practice.

D4. Vision Backcasting

Backcasting is the practice of identifying an ideal desired future, even before you know how to get there. This vision of the future can motivate and guide step by step projects. The MN Solar Schools Blitz includes multiple ways to envision the future - from calculated estimates of electricity production to artwork that imagines what a fully clean-energy school would look and feel like. There is already momentum for solar schools in Minnesota and there are Blitz activities to explore that too by sharing the solar installations on schools already operating, and reading their stories. Explore the ways to participate in the MN Solar Schools Blitz below.

There are Four Ways to Participate in the MN Solar Schools Blitz:

Get on the Solar Schools Map

Does your school already have solar? Share your success to celebrate while educating and inspiring others. Gather your information on the installation output, and other details. Then enter your solar installation information in the new MN GreenStep School Solar School Survey (Link to come)

Want to tell the whole story? Share your project story in MN GreenStep Schools to educate and inspire others who can learn how you assembled your team, how you found funding, integrated your project with education, informed the public, and what barriers your overcame, and what lessons you learned. Completing a project story can also count toward a best practice credit upon joining MN GreenStep Schools. Youth or adults can complete this activity.

Solar Suitability Map

What is your dream for a solar school? This is a youth project, which can have adult support. First gather your team and register your interest by entering your team name, the school, a contact person, and identifying your school on a map. You'll get on a contact list for updates.

Schools already with solar can join in, estimating the maximum potential solar - which might be more than what was installed. That would help you estimate what percent of the sun’s potential you are harvesting now. If there’s more than one team at a school, you can combine your efforts or both submit your ideas for what’s possible

Share your Potential - Solar Potential Upload Form Coming Soon

3. Picture Your Solar Future
- Create Artwork that envisions the Solar Potential at your School and Upload to a MN Solar Schools Gallery.

Use your creativity to envision a solar future!

This is a youth project for students in high school or younger. Create an image - a drawing, painting, collage, or photograph of a sculpture or model that shows your vision of a solar future for your school. Or you can create a video, or a creative GIS Story Map. The artworks can be made by individuals or groups of youth. 

Write a short description about your artwork. Submit a photograph of your image in the online form, or a link to your video or GIS Story Map along with a thumbnail image. Include your description, your name(s) or initials, the name of your school, and locate it on a map. Your artwork will be displayed in an online map gallery of solar dreams across the state. You can enter more than one image or media. Get inspired and start creating. 

4. Learn More and Explore
-Connect with the MN GreenStep Schools Clean Energy Advisor at CERTS

Peter Lindstrom, MN GreenStep Schools Clean Energy Advisor at CERTS

Learn more about MN GreenStep Schools Best Practices for Clean Energy and consider forming a team to submit a project story or joining the program. Also, explore resources from the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTS). CERTS is a MN GreenStep Schools Resource Organization and can help your school plan next steps or meet MN GreenStep Schools best practices for clean energy. You can learn more about solar schools on the CERTS solar schools page and reading their stories of other schools that have gone solar.