Profile Page

Minnesota GreenStep Schools Resource Organization

YES! (Youth Eco Solutions)

Youth Eco Solutions (YES!) is a youth-led award-winning program serving students across Minnesota. The mission of YES!  is to engage students in being part of the solutions to today's ecological challenges through hands-on community projects. Students are guided by a coach/teacher with support from regional YES! coordinators. This program is available to all schools in Minnesota!

Locations Served: Entire State of Minnesota

Contact: Jennifer Swenson 



Types of Resources Offered: 

Training, Professional or Specialty Advice, Connections/Network, Funding/Grants, Hands-on project guidance

Cost to the School for Resources Offered:

 Mostly Free: may require a small participation or materials fee


Best Practices Areas for Assistance: 

0.     Organizational Leadership

1. Green Team: Participating districts and schools form a green team made up diverse roles and stakeholders., 2. GreenStep School Resolution: The district passes a resolution to participate in GreenStep, signed by particpating schools., 3. Widespread Communication: District/School communicate activities and accomplishements to families, students, staff, and stakeholders., 4. Equity And Diversity: District/School Proactively plans for equitable and diverse participation in the program and projects, 5. Green School Strategic Plan: District/School creates a strategic plan and reviews it annually., 6. Community Leadership: District/School contribute their experience to professional and community organizations to foster green school capacity beyond their borders., 7. Advanced Recognition: District/School seek advanced recognition through programs like Green Ribbon, LEED, or others.

1.     Reduced Environmental Impact and Costs

1. Energy Efficiency: District/School has very little wasted energy., 2. Renewable Energy: District/School uses renewable energy such as solar panels., 3. Waste Reduction: District/School has very little solid waste and recycles a variety of materials., 4. Material Safety: District/School has very little hazardous waste and safely manages it., 5. Water Efficiency: District/School has very little wasted water indoors and in the school yard., 6. Onsite Stormwater Management: Schoolyards include areas that are natural and help rain soak deep into the ground., 7. Community Spaces:  Schools and schoolyards include areas that the community can use., 8. Green Product Purchasing: District/School purchases green products such as recycled office paper, low or non-toxic cleaning supplies, furniture built to green standards, or efficient computers., 9. Commuting Efficiency: Many students and staff walk, bike, carpool or bus to school., 10. Transportation Efficiency: District/School has efficient transportation use and reduces its environmental impacts., 11. Climate Adaptation and Community Resilience: District/School has planned and prepared for extreme weather, adaptation to changing climatic conditions, and has fostered strong community connections.

2.     Improved Health and Wellness

1. Drinking Water Safety: District/School monitors drinking water quality and prevents water contaminants., 8. Sustainable Food: District/School purchases food with green features such as organic, fair trade, or locally grown.

3.     Effective Environmental and Sustainability Education

1. Integrated Environmental Education: Environmental education is integrated throughout the curriculum., 2. Outdoor Learning: Outdoor learning experiences are provided ., 3. Teacher Training: Environmental education training is offered to teachers., 4. Environmental Career Preparation: The curriculum connects to environmental career readiness., 5. Community Projects: Students conduct environmental community engagement projects ., 6. Community Engagement: The district/school partners with community organizations to advance green school achievement.


Additional Detail:

YES! is a statewide program to assist students in completing hands-on action projects focused on improving the local environment. This is done through first identifying a need in their community, then creating S.M.A.R.T. goals, and next collaborating with local experts and resources to complete the projects. YES! is a program of Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center in partnership with Ney Nature Center and Laurentian Environmental Center. At each Center a YES! Coordinator serves a cohort of schools in their region to provide relevant resources, organize events including an annual Fall Summit and customized workshops along with regional and state competitions to recognize the outstanding student accomplishments.