Profile Page

Minnesota GreenStep Schools Resource Organization

Our mission is to unleash the power of fresh food production for happier, healthier people. We empower a collaborative community of growers with the most efficient and transformative vertical farming technology on the planet. We are reinventing the global food system to accelerate local access to fresh food and inspire healthier living for all.

Organization Type: Business

Locations Served: We serve the entire nation!

Contact: Abigail Thompson



Types of Resources Offered:

Connections/Network, Materials, Equipment, or Products, NGSS Aligned K-12 Curriculum

Cost to the School for Resources Offered:

Standard Fee or Cost, Discounts are offered for bulk purchasing.


Best Practices Ares for Assistance:

0. Organizational Leadership

1. Green Team: Participating districts and schools form a green team made up diverse roles and stakeholders., 2. GreenStep School Resolution: The district passes a resolution to participate in GreenStep, signed by participating schools., 3. Widespread Communication: District/School communicate activities and accomplishments to families, students, staff, and stakeholders., 6. Community Leadership: District/School contribute their experience to professional and community organizations to foster green school capacity beyond their borders.

1. Reduced Environmental Impact and Costs

1. Energy Efficiency: District/School has very little wasted energy., 3. Waste Reduction: District/School has very little solid waste and recycles a variety of materials., 4. Material Safety: District/School has very little hazardous waste and safely manages it., 5. Water Efficiency: District/School has very little wasted water indoors and in the school yard., 8. Green Product Purchasing: District/School purchases green products such as recycled office paper, low or non-toxic cleaning supplies, furniture built to green standards, or efficient computers., 11. Climate Adaptation and Community Resilience: District/School has planned and prepared for extreme weather, adaptation to changing climatic conditions, and has fostered strong community connections.

2. Improved Health and Wellness

6. Nourishment Access: District/School provides breakfast and free or reduced lunches as needed to make sure all students are nourished., 7. Nutrition: District/School provides nutritious and healthy meals and snacks., 8. Sustainable Food: District/School purchases food with green features such as organic, fair trade, or locally grown.

3. Effective Environmental and Sustainability Education

1. Integrated Environmental Education: Environmental education is integrated throughout the curriculum., 3. Teacher Training: Environmental education training is offered to teachers., 4. Environmental Career Preparation: The curriculum connects to environmental career readiness., 5. Community Projects: Students conduct environmental community engagement projects ., 6. Community Engagement: The district/school partners with community organizations to advance green school achievement.


Additional Detail:

Fork Farms is a mission driven hydroponic technology company based in Green Bay, WI. We are passionate about increasing knowledge, connection and access to fresh food for people of all ages, especially children. Our product is the Flex Farm. The Flex Farm is the most efficient, scalable and transformative indoor, vertical hydroponic technology on the planet. By carefully controlling everything plants need to thrive, each Flex Farm can grow more than 394 pounds of produce annually. They’re portable and only require a standard electrical outlet and less than 10 square feet of space. The flex farm is an industry leader in food production, and is 30% more energy efficient than any other vertical hydroponic unit on the market. 1 Flex Farm uses 98% less water than traditional agriculture and its footprint and growing ability is equivalent to 480-500 sq. ft. of cropland.

In addition to the flex farm, Fork Farms offers access to a collaborative community platform called Farmative, wherein which flex farm users can ask questions, share their own knowledge, and participate in community growing events put on by the Fork Farms team. Farmative also offers a plethora of educational videos regarding the flex farm, a badging program designed for kids in 5th-8th grade, and plenty of activities and coloring pages. The newest addition to Farmative is our own NGSS aligned K-12 curriculum. This curriculum offers 11 lessons per grade band; K-2, 3-5, 6-8 & 9-12, and is designed to be used with the flex farm, but also offers lessons on related topics such as composting and sustainability.