Profile Page

Minnesota GreenStep Schools Resource Organization

Anoka County Recycling and Resource Solutions

Recycling & Resource Solutions unit within the Public Health & Environmental Services Department provides technical assistance, grant funding and information about proper waste management to waste generators in Anoka County.

We provide these services to schools for free, in addition to training and education outreach for both staff and students. Our work focuses on waste reduction, recycling, and organics collection in schools.

Organization Type: Governmental – County

Locations Served: MN

Contact: Katie Stelzner


Types of Resources Offered:

Training, Materials, Equipment, or Products, Funding/Grants

Cost to the School for Resources Offered:


Best Practices Ares for Assistance:

0. Organizational Leadership

1. Green Team: Participating districts and schools form a green team made up diverse roles and stakeholders., 2. GreenStep School Resolution: The district passes a resolution to participate in GreenStep, signed by particpating schools., 5. Green School Strategic Plan: District/School creates a strategic plan and reviews it annually.

1. Reduced Environmental Impact and Costs

3. Waste Reduction: District/School has very little solid waste and recycles a variety of materials., 4. Material Safety: District/School has very little hazardous waste and safely manages it.

2. Improved Health and Wellness

4. Chemical Safety: School minimizes and manages chemical exposure and handling to protect students and staff from wood preservatives, mercury in devices, pesticides, and other potential hazards.

3. Effective Environmental and Sustainability Education

1. Integrated Environmental Education: Environmental education is integrated throughout the curriculum., 6. Community Engagement: The district/school partners with community organizations to advance green school achievement.