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Minnesota GreenStep Schools Green Club

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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash 

RAMS Garden Club

GreenStep Schools Green Club Member since: February 21, 2023

RAMS Garden Club is a student led group looking to increase native plants around our school to help local pollinators thrive. Students spend time researching plants that are native to our planting zone and the benefits of the plants impact on ecosystem. We meet in the spring time to plant new seeds to attract bees and butterflies, while allowing camouflage to other wildlife for nesting. 

Affiliated School: Roseville Area Middle School (RAMS)

Type of Club: Official School Club

Contact: Katerina Sturgis


Related MN GreenStep Best Practices Areas: 

0.     Organizational Leadership

0.3. Widespread Communication: District/School communicate activities and accomplishments to families, students, staff, and stakeholders. 

1.     Reduced Environmental Impact and Costs

1.6. Onsite Stormwater Management: Schoolyards include areas that are natural and help rain soak deep into the ground. 

2.     Improved Health and Wellness

2.5. Physical Activity: Students have ample physical education or outdoor time during each school day., 2.8. Sustainable Food: District/School purchases food with green features such as organic, fair trade, or locally grown., 2.9. Health Resources and Planning: District/School has health resources (e.g. a nurse or health aid) and has an overall health plan that includes mental health, positive school climate, inclusivity, equity, and safety. 

3.     Effective Environmental and Sustainability Education

3.2. Outdoor Learning: Outdoor learning experiences are provided .