Best Practice Page

BP 0.1 GreenStep Schools Resolution



Best Practice 0.2 GreenStep Schools Resolution: The district passes a resolution to participate in GreenStep, signed by participating schools.

The school district passes a resolution to participate in the Minnesota GreenStep Schools program. The resolution includes sign off from principals of participating schools, and identifies the MN GreenStep Schools Representative. The resolution must also specify Green Team meetings at least 3 times per year, and commit to annual program review and confirmation of whether the submitted best practices are current (active for the reporting year, or inactive). Districts and schools decide the pace of their progress. There is no requirement to advance in best practices or GreenStep levels at any particular rate. Those initiating the GreenStep Schools resolution may want to use the communication support materials and other resources. See online resources below.

Notes: BP 0.2 GreenStep Schools Resolution is one of two special case Best Practices

Who is Doing It?

Once enough districts and schools have completed this best practice, they will be listed here and shown on an interactive map.

Schools in the GreenStep Schools Program with A GreenStep Schools Resolution:

Take Action

Follow Step 1 Instructions

Document Project in a Step 1 Project Story

Document the GreenStep Schools Resolution along with the Green Team in your Step 1 Project Story

Submit Annual Review

The annual review for this best practice includes


GreenStep Advisor

Online Resources:

Other resources also recommended:

GreenStep Resource Organizations