U of M Medical School


One School. Two Campuses.

The Mission of the University of Minnesota Medical School is to be a leader in enhancing the health of people through the education of skilled, compassionate and socially responsible physicians. With two campuses serving diverse populations in rural and urban Minnesota, the Medical School is dedicated to preeminent primary care medicine, exemplary specialty care and innovative research.

In addition to the overall Mission, the Duluth campus has a unique focus on rural and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) health and family medicine with a mission to be a national leader in improving healthcare access and outcomes in rural Minnesota and AI/AN communities.

This is done by educating medical students dedicated to serving rural Minnesota and AI/AN communities, fostering excellence in research, emphasizing the training of physicians in family medicine, creating strong partnerships locally, regionally, nationally and internationally and working in diverse, innovative, interdisciplinary, and inter-professional teams.

Zoom with U of M Medical School Admissions Staff!

MD Information Session | Q&A

Friday, October 8th, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting: https://umn-private.zoom.us/j/95710270680?pwd=M3pBd0F1alZVLy9QZ3J6cDYzYVRsQT09

Meeting ID: 957 1027 0680 / Passcode: Z329Uz

UMN Medical School admissions brochure.pdf

Contact us via email at meded@umn.edu. We are currently short-staffed so we are encouraging questions via email at this time.

Website: https://med.umn.edu/

Email: meded@umn.edu

Social Media:

University of Minnesota Medical School Admissions Competencies for Entering Medical Students
DEI Insert for Candidates.pdf