College of Liberal Arts:


CLA is an excellent place to prepare for a health career! Whether you're thinking about medical school, pharmacy, dentistry, or another branch of healthcare, you can find the resources you need as a CLA student.

With 65 majors to choose from in CLA, you can create your own custom-designed plan to complete the necessary prerequisite coursework for your intended professional program in health care. We provide opportunities for you to develop into a well-rounded candidate who is academically prepared, demonstrates initiative, contributes to the community, and creates meaning in your life's work. A team of professionals is available to support you throughout this process.

Contact: CLA Pre-Health Services Coordinator, Barbara Goodwin

How can students get connected?

  • In CLA, you have a team of advisors to assist you with your pre-health goals. CLA students can reach out to schedule an appointment with their College Advisor at:

  • Additional support is available through the CLA Career Center at: and through the CLA Pre-Health Services Coordinator at

  • Students outside of CLA can schedule an appointment with a CLA Transfer Advisor at:

CLA Pre-Health 101 Information Sessions

These sessions are designed to provide an overview of the CLA Pre-Health Team who work with pre-health students in CLA. It also fulfills a CLA 1001 UThrive activity requirement; however, all students are welcome regardless of College of enrollment or year in school.

  • October 20, 1-2pm - Join Zoom Meeting:

  • November 9, 10-11am - Join Zoom Meeting:
