Keller 3-170 (eGlass)

Keller 3-170 is outfitted with five round tables with a capacity of 30 students. It includes five 65" screens with individual wired and wireless display to capability, multiple whiteboards, a document camera, and an eGlass. This is an ideal classroom for preparing recorded material, teaching hybrid, or presenting in a more engaging manner via a glassboard.  

Soon, the ability to book the room will be available, but feel free to reach out if you would like to use it to record.


Watch the video below for an introductory overview for using the eGlass.  Further down the page you will find instructions for other elements of the room.  You will also find nice videos and guides on how to use the eGlass at Scroll down to the software videos.


You will find any snapshots from eGlass in the documents\eGlassFusion\Images. Here are the ones that I took.

You can easily adjust the height of the eglass by using your foot to push down the lever near the bottom of the eGlass stand and lifting up or down. Be careful not to go to low or it will hit the console.  Please try not to move the eGlass too much as it is situated to take advantage of the black background.

The controls for the eglass are pictured below.  On the way left, indicated by the red arrow below, is the power button. That turns on the primary illumination.  Additional illumination, if desired, can be turned on with a similar button on the right. In the middle you will see controls for adjusting brightness, exposure, and buttons for snapshots and recording.

Basic Operations

The control screen on the console has three main modes.  Instructor Mode selects between your laptop (via hdmi), the document camera or Hovercam, and the eGlass dedicated laptop.  Individual Mode gives control to the students at the table for them to connect via hdmi or wirelessly.  Instructions appear on the screen.  Display Controls allow granual control of each screen if needed. You can also turn on the room projector.


Selecting "Individual Mode" opens the home page on each screen with instructions on how to activate the screencast function. Students can follow the directions on the screen to connect. It works through any computer browser and through downloadable apps for computers and mobile devices.  Selecting "Newline Cast" from the Display Controls screen can activate Screens individually.