Women in Computer Science

Women in Computer Science (WiCS) is a student organization under the Department of Computer Science and Women in Engineering Programs (WIEP) at UIC. Through volunteer work, social engagements, and professional workshops, we strive to promote the contributions of women in computer science. 

Our mission is to provide a support network comprising of role models, mentors, and peers. We serve as a social, technical, and networking community for all interested parties! 

You do not have to identify as a woman to be apart of our organization! It is important to us that we have allies who believe in equal opportunity for all.

We have an official membership for WiCS that opens every semester!

If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to us at uicwics@gmail.com!

UIC's First Ever Hackathon!

We held the first ever student led hackathon at UIC in Spring 2023 in collaboration with various other COE Student orgs! We are looking forward to host SparkHacks yearly!

Spring 2023 Women in Tech Week

We host Women in Tech Week every Spring. You can also check out our online Women in Tech Week from Spring 2021 on our website!

WiCS Virtual Event Pictures

ENGR 100

Check out the faces of WiCS!