American Society of Civil Engineers

About ASCE:

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) was first founded in 1852 and brought to UIC in 1947.

Our mission statement is "... To enhance the education and professional development of Civil Engineering students and the general student body, to promote the UIC College of Engineering and UIC Civil and Materials Engineering Department. Also, to serve the community through various service projects and provide a medium for students to develop relationships with fellow students, faculty, and professionals."

Events and How to Get Involved:

Our main event is the Great Lakes Student Conference (GLSC) in the spring of 2023. We will prepare for this event months in advance and have many different teams for our members to be involved or to take on leadership roles. The competitions of the GLSC include the Concrete Canoe Competition, Sustainable Solutions, and many other mini-competitions that include all the different disciplines of Civil Engineering. Each year, the conference is hosted by a different school (University of Minnesota Duluth in 2023 and UIC in 2024). Those who participate in the preparations for the conference will be able to travel with ASCE to the competition!

We will also be hosting other events, meetings, company visits, and speakers throughout the year for professional development and to learn more about the civil engineering field. Stay up to date on all our events by joining our email list!


2022 Urbana - Champaign (April 8th-9th)


Sustainable Solutions Team: 1st place.

Concrete Canoe Men's Slalom Race: 1st place.

Surveying Team: 2nd place.

Concrete Canoe Final Prototype: 2nd place.

Construction Institute: 4th place.


Staring in the Fall of 2022, and after destroying our canoe from the previous year, we plan to construct a new concrete canoe for GLSC 2023. We encourage anyone who is interested, even if you are new to engineering, to come to our workshops in the future! The project involves concrete mix design, structural analysis, aesthetics design, and construction. We work best and learn the most as a team and this is a great way to interact and build connections with other Civil Engineering students. If you would like more information about joining the concrete canoe team, please contact our captain at


Sustainable solutions for infrastructure is one of the most pressing matters of the 21st century. In the Spring 2022 conference, our team prepared their project in the Tiny Home Challenge. This competition is centered on using sustainable materials and creating a model to analyze its sustainability. 2019 was the first year this competition was added to the GLSC, and the team took home 1st place just 3 years later. This competition focuses on using our civil engineering knowledges and skills to build an infrastructure that will benefit generations to come. If you would like to learn more about sustainable solutions, feel free to contact our conference chairs,

2022 Sustainable Solutions Project: Tiny Home:


This year, the surveying team set the bar high by placing 2nd at the GLSC, while being on of our newest competitions. Surveying competition consists of:

  • staking out control points

  • plotting topography maps, including coordinates and elevations, which can be used for future engineering and construction

  • using the industry's newest technology, including total stations and GPS.

If you would like more information about joining the surveying team, please contact our captain at

2022 Surveying:


These competitions will focus on disciplines related to civil engineering. They are designed to test our school's engineering intuition and ability to work as a team. We need a great deal of participation in order to be competitive and we're here to win! Here are some of the mini competitions you could be a part of:

  • Construction Institute (CI)

  • Geo Wall

  • Concrete Cornhole

  • Quiz Bowl

  • Scavenger Hunt

  • More added each year!

Scroll through for a look at our amazing student chapter!


Over the summer and fall of 2020, our garage space underwent a massive remodel. Looking ahead to the next academic year, 2022-2023, we are excited to bring in new and old ASCE members to visit our new garage space and build some amazing new projects!




Here are just a few events that we hosted as a society in the past, we plan on having more meetings like these back on campus once everything the school year is underway. We also are looking forward to having future social events such as bowling and baseball games in the future!


As we are only a student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers, we believe it is a great learning experience for our members and student leaders to attend National ASCE events such as the Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders and the National ASCE Convention. Twice a year, we are able to send members to these events by paying for registration, hotel, and travel.

National ASCE Convention

Miami, FL

October 2019

Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders

Detroit, MI

January 2020

Follow us on Instagram & Facebook and check out our website!

2020 Annual Report

University of Illinois At Chicago (2).pdf