Vehicle Electronics and Systems Engineering


Vehicle Electronics and Systems Engineering (VESE) provides UIC students an outlet to explore the various engineering challenges provided in the area of vehicle design. As a student organization, we are exploring topics in autonomous vehicles and electric vehicle design. We maintain a relationship with major companies in the field by scheduling tours or speaking events where members are able to network with staff and and get more familiar with what it means to work in the industry.

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We have an org Discord server that you can add yourself to here ( On the server we will communicate all meetings and events as well as discuss projects.

Past Accomplishments

During one of the most challenging school years, our student organization was still able to come together and accomplish many different goals!

Autonomous Vehicles Team

This year our Autonomous Vehicles Team continued their work by researching sensors, computers, algorithms, controls, and other things involved in creating an autonomous system. They have also began using simulation software called CARLA, in which they are able to simulate different sensors and systems inside a vehicle to test code and setups. Above we have a small snippet of code along with the CARLA simulator.

Power Wheels Team

Our Power Wheels Team is proud to present out first full vehicle build. This team worked on designing the vehicle's electrical system as well as the mechanical system. They worked to integrate, assemble, and test the vehicle as a team. Above is a short demo of the vehicle.

Company Events

This year we were glad to host a virtual event with CNH Industrial. This event was very successful and our 15+ attendees were able to hear from full-time engineers in CNH's Autonomous Operations and Innovations groups. The engineers presented on some of the projects they are working on and answered many questions about what it's like to be an engineer.

Member Recruitment

For the past year, we have been hosting our GBM and regular team meetings online using Discord. Since a lot of students use Discord in their free time and are familiar with it, it made the switch to online a lot easier. We were able to keep our member count fairly consistent and had many successful meetings this year! Towards the end of the spring semester, we were able to meet with some students on campus to work on our Power Wheels project and our RC car.

Autonomous Vehicles

This year we plan to integrate different sensors onto our RC car, including a Lidar, an IR distance sensor, and a camera. The autonomous team will also continue to work with CARLA to create simulation environments to test different implementations.

Power Wheels

Our Power Wheels team will continue to improve and test the vehicle we built this year. This includes modifications to the braking systems, steering systems, and wheels. They will also be adding to the electrical system things such as lights and sensors. We will be attending competitions in the Midwest in September and October 2021.

RMC Collaboration with EDT

We will be collaborating with EDT to participate in NASA's Artemis Lunabotics Challenge. We have begun reviewing some requirements and creating a rough timeline for the project. VESE plans to work mainly on the systems engineering portion as well as the autonomous implementations.

Alternator to Motor Demo Vid.mp4