Engineering Success Program

Student Organizations in Engineering

Welcome to the Student Organizations in Engineering learning module!


The College of Engineering sponsors over 30 different student-run organizations for your professional development and academic benefit. A full list of the organizations under the College of Engineering can be found here. For this learning module, student organizations volunteered to provide more details about their group for new engineering students, which you should use to find an organization that interests you to complete the student organization assignment.

To receive full credit for this learning module:

  1. Navigate through the student organization pages that correspond to your department, read the information about the group, watch any videos they have posted, etc. Determine how to best find out about events from that organization.

  2. Find an event hosted by an engineering student organization that interests you.

  3. Attend the student organization event, and document your attendance according to the instructions.

  4. Submit the assignment worksheet in Blackboard to the student organization assignment link.


Can I only attend events hosted by the student organizations in this learning module?


You are welcome to attend an event hosted by any student-run engineering organization. On the top menu bar of this site, hover over "Student Orgs in ENGR 100" for a list of student organizations that have provided more detailed information for this class. There are engineering orgs that are not listed in this learning module that can also satisfy the assignment, a full list of student organizations under the College of Engineering can be found here. If you are unsure if your event will satisfy the assignment for this learning module, please do not hesitate to email me, I would be glad to clarify! My email is on the site footer.

What do I need to do for the assignment?

  1. Identify an organization that interests you

  2. Find an event hosted by the organization that interests you

  3. Attend the event

  4. Document your attendance (take a picture of yourself at the event, take a screen capture of the Zoom meeting with the content/date/time visible, take a picture of your school ID with the meeting screen visible, etc. etc.)

  5. Fill out the worksheet titled "Student Organization Assignment" in this learning module on Blackboard

  6. Submit your assignment to the link in Blackboard

Make an appointment with me during office hours if you have any questions! You can schedule with me online using this scheduler.

I still have questions. What should I do?

If you have any questions at all, I would be glad to help! Please schedule an appointment with me during office hours using this scheduler or send me an email!