Gimp Image Editing

There are images that seem fake, but are actually real, like these. Let's manipulate an image using the free image manipulation program GIMP, which you can download from (You don't have to use GIMP, and can use some other tool if you already have it and are familiar with it.)

Create a google doc with your original two (or more) images along with your newly created image created at the end. Submit that google doc using this google form.

  1. Select two images to be manipulated for an image manipulation workout. In my case these are my picture and this one:
Original two images
  1. Start GIMP. Use File/Open to open the file with content to be cut.
  2. Select the "Lasso" tool and roughly highlight the area to be cut.
Lasso Tool
  1. Select the "Mask Tool" by clicking on the small rectangle near the bottom left-hand corner of the page:
Mask Tool on

  1. Further refine the section that is cut by selecting the pencil tool and shading in the parts that you don't want, in this case the light-blue sections surrounding my head in the above image.
    1. Turn the Mask Tool back off, revealing the section to be cut:
Mask Tool off

  1. Use File/Open to open up the second file, where the extracted portion will be placed.
  2. Select the original file (e.g. with my head) and choose Edit/Copy to copy the selected portion.
  3. Then select the destination image, and choose Edit/Paste to paste it. It will show up as a new layer.
New Layer

    1. Use the Move and Resize tools to adjust this pasted layer.
Move Resize Layer

  1. Choose File / Export and to save the resulting file in some format such as JPG.
File Export as jpg

  1. Now go to the gym for a real workout!