4. Tools for Writing Papers

Pre-Lab Activity:

  1. Choose between Microsoft Word or Google Docs for the research described below.
  2. For each of the following topics, do a web search to find a tutorial for that topic, going through tutorials until you are reasonably confident that you can create it.
    1. Table of Contents
    2. Footnotes
    3. Page Numbering
    4. Bibliography (endnotes)
    5. (In Google Docs for endnotes you have to type in the text at the end in a numbered list, create a bookmark next to each item, and then make a link to it from within the body of the text.)

For instance for the table of contents topic you could do the following search:

"table of contents" word tutorial site:*.edu

where the quotes around "table of contents" mean the entire phrase must be present, and the site command restricts the results to the educational (.edu) domain.

The remainder of the activity shown below will be done during lab.


This lab will cover the basics of word processing, using either Microsoft Word or Google Docs. After successful completion of this lab, you should be able to write a paper using the built-in tools to create a table of contents, footnotes, page numbering, and a bibliography (endnotes).

Lab Activity

You will be working with a lab partner or group. Agree whether together you will be using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Make a copy of and modify this 2 page document so that it meets the grading rubric requirements shown below and ends up looking like this through use of Microsoft Word or Google docs tools.

Submitting your Work

  1. Be sure all partner's names are on the document, though only one of you will submit it.
  2. Submit your document as a file attachment using the essays google form, calling the essay topic Fake Lab 11 (for the 11 am lab) or Fake Lab 12 (for the 12 noon lab) .

Grading Rubric:

This lab activity is due at the end of your lab session on September 14th, 2020.

Up to 1 point of extra credit may be given for work that is exceptionally creative or otherwise clearly above-and-beyond expectations.