09-11 HTML

Take the HTML code you worked on as a group in the previous class (using this Activity) and customize it for yourself only. You can again use a w3schools.com HTML window to test it. The points are assigned as follows:

    1. There are three top-level categories: Lists, Jokes, and Pictures.
    2. Within Lists there are two indented sub-level categories of your choosing which must be different from the categories used in class. Each list must have at least 5 items.
    3. All the text within Jokes is indented, with the text of the jokes themselves indented additionally. The jokes you choose must be from a different site than the one chosen by your original group, and the jokes must be different as well.
    4. Your page includes:
      1. Some text in italics and some text (besides headings) that is bold
      2. At least one link, and three labelled pictures for most beautiful view, most delicious food, and funniest looking pet
    5. Within the 24 hour period after the original deadline, you revisit your group's document and add a comment to each page for your other group members. Your comment could indicate what you admire, what you agree/disagree with, what was missing, or a description of related content.

To submit your work you will need to copy and paste your HTML text into a Google doc, along with a screenshot of what it looks like rendered in a browser, similar to what we did in class on Wednesday. You will use the 09-11 HTML Google drive directory. See the 0 Instructions document in that folder to find which file has been assigned for you to use for this work. The 0 Instructions document, for example, for this week contains the following:

There are 20 documents in this folder. Each document has four pages, one for each person. The table below shows which document (1..20) each person should use.

In your document put your name at the top of the page you use for your response.