13. Teachable Machine

Use Google's Teachable Machine to create a system that can recognize different categories of input. You will first go through an overview of how it works, then decide on what you want to train it to do, and then as a group create the system, documenting your progress in a google doc which you will turn in.


  1. Overview: Watch the overview video
  2. As a group decide what you want to train the system to recognize at least three different categories. Paper-Rock-Scissors? Type of animal? Numbers? Facial expressions? Mountains/Beach/City? Colors? Shapes? Different names? Different languages? Kinds of music?
  3. Create a Google doc with all your group member's names listed at the top. In the doc explain your goal, along with examples from the different categories you will use for training.
  4. Create the Teachable Machine system. Add screen shots to your google doc showing it working. In your google doc explain whether or not it worked. (Hint: If capturing images using your webcam, isolate the items in front of a neutral background.)


The grading criteria for this lab are:

  • 1 point: All group member names are given at the top of your code.
  • Explanation is given of your goal.
  • Examples of the different categories are given.
  • 1 point: System is trained. Submit link to your model as follows (click on it to enlarge):
Link to model
  • 1 point extra credit: System is elaborate and creative, with a thorough implementation.

Submitting your Work

Submit your document as a file attachment using the google form, calling the essay topic Machine 11 (for the 11 am lab) or Machine 12 (for the 12 noon lab)